Chapter 73: Captain of The Barefoot Squad

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"So you've finally arrived Lion." Lito spoke, as he stood menacingly in front of the knights. Linda was on the ground battered and bruised. She had burn wounds on her right hand and it seemed like one of her legs was broken.

"The is no way someone like you can defeat my sister, how did you do it?" Lion asked as he tried to compose himself. Cliff seeing this was standing behind his captain. He could feel that this man's alchemic energy was through the roof, surpassing even his own captain.

To answer Lion's question the villain took out an empty vile. Ether? Lion grit his teeth. And by the looks of it, it is the real deal unlike the ones those two used. This is bad. Lion looked at Cliff.

"Enough with the talk. Now we fight." Lito stated, as he threw the bottle on the ground and broke it. Without giving Lion a chance to prepare, Lito fired a giant fireball at the captain.

Lion quickly created a giant sword and sliced the attack into halves destroying it instantly. He then turned his mercury sword into a gun and fired a volley of mercury bullets. Lito moved around the room dodging them.

"Cliff, take my sister and get outta here." Lion instructed his subordinate. "I'll deal with my brother personally."

Brother? Doesn't that mean he is Linda's brother to. Cliff pondered. While moving towards the serpentine captain, Cliff realized that all three of them are Dlaminis.

As Cliff hoisted Linda onto his shoulders, a giant fireball was sent his way. With the little strength she had, captain Linda reflected it back to Lito. "Go, while he is distracted by that."

"Yes ma'am." Cliff stated.

"Don't call me ma'am I'm not married."

Even though she is reliant on me, captain Linda still acts like she is in charge. Cliff thought as he ran to the exit while avoiding the fight. Linda often had to deflect stray blast away from them.

Lion to advantage of his sister's counter attacks and snuck up on his brother. Just as he was about to reach him, Lito took control of a fireball and tossed it at Lion.

The attack landed causing Lion to fall back. Part of the Captain's uniform was burnt away and he had some burn scars on his left hand.

"Now you won't be able to create strong spells Lion, or wait you couldn't do that before." The villain laughed as he prepared to attack again. "You might as well die right now. Burning disaster!"'

The attacked moved like a flock of penguins. Lion using everything he had created two swords, one on the left and one on the right. Like lightning he blocked all of the attacks and this created an explosion.

"How...?" He questioned after seeing that the attack did not scratch Lion.

"I'm a captain, not a child anymore Lito. I won't loose here, I vow that I'll win." Lion stated.

"Then I'll be the first to make you break a promise." Before long the two then ran at each other. Lito covered his hands in flame, while mercury swirled around lion.

With one swing Lito launched a fireball at his brother. Lion kept hardening his mercury and using it as a shield. The shields did manage to stop the attack, but they melted in the process.

Mercury has a very low melting point, the is no way my fire can loose to it. Lito skimmed. As they got closer, Lito created a fire bat before leaping into the air.

Lion quickly created a wall of mercury to stop it, but his brother's spell melted the wall instead. The attack landed pushing Lion back a few feet.

"Without your left hand your defenses are just pitiful. Your very existence is pitiful." Lito stated. He then used his hands to shoot himself forward with his flames. Upon reaching Lion,  the villain then used his entire body to try and kick the captain. The knight Skillfully evaded the attack and slammed Lito to the ground using his own momentum.

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