Chapter 28 Results of Battle

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"Poison magic: Sleeping Viper." Cliff shouted creating a torrent of purple gas in the shape of a snake. It slowly meandered through a passage way filled with Rainbow guards. One by one each of them fell after inhaling the toxic fumes emanating from the serpent's body. "Done." He added as his snake vanished.

Maskaraid was a impressed by Cliff's skill in using poison magic. To her Magongos are a hindrance in battle but, Cliff showed great potential. "Nice." She said before she ran down the passage way first.

A huge explosion caught Abby's attention. Using the large windows of the passage way Abby looked at what became of the city. She noticed the nobles being escorted using armored cars from their residences while, the lower class citizens were left with nothing. Everyone from this nation is worthless. "Cowards." She said before looking ahead as they turned right.

"What you are seeing is the result of conflict. What is good and what is evil depends on the perspective of the individuals. However, at the end of it all everyone suffers on either side." Maskaraid looked back at the kids especially Abby. "It's tragic really but, what can we do? My dream is to train the next Magi who will end this fighting and unite all the clans." She added as she smiled a little.

Cliff began to pick up the pace proudly saying 'that's me'. Just at that moment Maskaraid launched a lightning strike right above his head killing the creature which was ready to ambush him. "Cliff get back here." She shouted but, he was unable to respond. Maskaraid noticed static charges flowing around his body. From the shadows behind him, three people emerged. In front was a woman in a black leather suit wearing a mask. The other two were Tesla and Emanz. Looking really annoyed.

"Great as usual Masky." The lady said as she took a few steps closer. She clapped her hands slowly while doing so. "I'm suprised that, that man was able to come up with a good strategy, impressive." At the sound of those words Sito got angry. Maskaraid simply put her hand in front of him to halt his advancement.

"Don't go she is trying to provoke you." Maskaraid added, however this did not stop Sito from gritting his teeth. The others were ready to battle as they readied their attacks.

"Why did you bring us here Lady T?" Wyet asked. He was annoyed at the fact that he won't be able to fight Trinity. However something about Lady T made him uneasy.

"It will all come together pretty soon." She answered Wyet, causing him to fold his arm. "I propose a game of cops and robbers" She put her hands together as everyone in the room started to sink into a black liquid. "The rules are simple. Everyone will be scattered around the city along with the prisoners. The first group to be wiped out looses." She added as she smiled. Cliff was the first to be completely swallowed by the shadows without struggle.

The others in that area struggled to escape even Emanz. The black liquid had too much power. "Why are you doing this?" Abby asked before she could fully disappear.

"I don't want you to interrupt the ritual." Lady T said right before the black liquid consumed everyone. The shadows returned to her as she left the area. "Soon we shall be united my child. It's all coming together."


Abby dropped near a hospital where the chaos of the invasion hasn't reached. The cold concrete softened the landing. The people inside thought that she was there to kill them. Imperial guards came at her but, she was highly out gunned for it to be a successful fight. "Get her!" they shouted as they launched their magic. Iron spears flew at her but all she could do was evade and retreat.

"I have to find the others, we are safer in numbers."She said as she used her magma magic to to destroy the wall fence.

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