Chapter 2- Out in the scary world

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Truck 81 lead the way which was quickly followed by squad and ambo. As they arrived on the scene there was a 2 story house that was up in flames and the fire was spreading fast.
"Squad 3 do a search of the bottom floor and truck take the top" Boden explains
"You got it Cheif, Herrmann and Mouch with me" Casey shouts
"Tony, Capp with me" Severide says
"You ready for this Bailey" Dawson asks
"Do I have a choice" Harper says as she laughed nervously
Just as Dawson could answer Casey came running out with 2 children in each arm. From first glance they were both burn victims one was more serious than the other.
"Bailey, you take the little boy and I'll take the little girl" Dawson orders
"You got it" Harper says
As the boy sat down he was conscious and breathing, he had a laceration to his right leg and his arm had a 2nd degree burn on it.
"Hi there! My name is Harper what's your name" Harper asks enthusiastically
"It's Jack, where's my sister" Jack says with a sad look on his face
"See my friend Gabby over there, she's taking great care of your sister" Harper explains
Harper put gauze over the burns on his arm and bandaged up his leg whilst Gabby was preforming CPR on his sister. Harper quickly noticed that jack was watching what Gabby was doing to his sister.
"Hey, don't worry your sister is going to be just fine my friend Gabby is one of the best paramedics in Chicago! If anyone can fix your sister it's her" Harper adds confidently
"Okay, I trust you" Jack says without taking his eyes off his sister
Just then Herrmann and the rest of squad come out with sad looks on their faces. Harper runs up to them.
"How's the mum and dad" Harper's asks curiously
" They didn't make it" Severide mutters
Harper didn't quite know what to say as the last time she had to deal with something like this it was when Ellis had died.
"Bailey, you ready to go" Dawson yells
"Yeah, I'll be right there" Harper says shouting back
Harper then gave the boys a sympathetic look and ran over to the rig.
"I'll drive you stay in the back" Dawson explains
"You got it" Harper says as she hops into the back
On the way to the hospital everything was going well until.
"She's coding" Harper shouts preforming CPR on the girl
" Can you hang on there's only 2 more minutes to Chicago Med" Dawson asks
"Yeah I've got it" Harper shouts back
Bailey and Dawson then arrived at Chicago med and were greeted by Maggie
"What have we got" Maggie asks
"A girl aged 9 with 3rd degree burns over 50% of her body, she coded on the way here and we gave her 2 rounds of epi" Dawson explains
"And this is Jack he has a laceration to his right leg and second degree burns on his arm" Harper adds
"Okay treatment room 1 for the girl and treatment room 3 for the boy, what about mum and dad" Maggie asks
They didn't make it" Harper explains
"I'll let child services know" Maggie says
"Good job out there Bailey" Dawson adds
"Thanks, it's no different to Miami though" Harper answers
"Oh so that's where you came from, why did you leave I'm sure Miami is more exciting than Chicago" Dawson asks curiously
"It's a long story" Harper says as she climbs back into the rig

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