Chapter 28- Im Pregnant Kelly!

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*December 2011*
It's been a year after Harper and Kelly's wedding and Harper has taken the shift off to go to a doctors appointment. Her name then gets called and she gets some unexpected news.
"Your Pregnant Mrs Severide" The doctor says
"What!" Harper says shocked
"Congratulations!" The doctor says before walking out of the room. Harper then starts to head back to the apartment where Kelly is. Harper is already 12 weeks along so she has ultrasound pictures.
"Hey! How was it?" Kelly asks
"Umm can you sit down for a second and close your eyes!" Harper says
"Umm sure..." Kelly says sitting down and closing his eyes. Harper then sits down next to him and puts the ultrasound pictures in his hands
"Open your eyes now!" Harper says smiling
Kelly looks at the pictures
"Are you kidding?" Kelly asks
"Nope it's all real!" Harper says smiling
"I'm gonna be a dad!" Kelly says hugging Harper
"And I'm gonna be a mum!" Harper says hugging him back
"I'm gonna need to quit squad for a while but I saw a space opening up to do the admin with Connie!" Harper says
"We will tell Boden next shift!" Kelly says still smiling then Casey and Dawson walk in
"What's going on?" Dawson asks
"Let's tell them Harper!" Kelly says
"Okay but you guys can't tell anyone else yet!" Harper says
"Okay?" Dawson and Casey say
Harper then hands them the ultrasound pictures and a big smile appears on Dawson's face.
"Oh my God! I'm gonna be Auntie Gabby!" Dawson says giving Harper a big hug
"Congrats guys" Casey says giving Kelly a hug
"We're gonna start looking at apartments tomorrow!" Harper says
"Why?" Dawson Asks
"We need to give you all your space!" Kelly says
"No there's still louies old room and we can do it up for the baby and me and Matt wouldn't mind having a baby around the house for a while" Dawson says
"Are you guys sure?" Kelly and Harper says
"Positive!" Matt says
It's the next day on shift and Harper has already got the job with Connie. Kelly then gatheres everyone into the common room including Boden.
"Okay I've got an announcement!" Harper says
"As of today I'm gonna be quitting squad for a while" Harper says
"Why?" Everyone asks
"Are you unhappy?" Mouch asks
"Don't tell me your giving up on being a firefighter you have your Luitenent badge!" Boden says
"No im perfectly happy! I'm just gonna be working with Connie for a while! Because...I'm pregnant!" Harper says with a smile on her face
"What!" Mouch says
"Congratulations Kid!" Herrmann says giving Harper a big hug followed by Mouch, Cruz, Otis and Boden
"Thanks guys! We get to find out the gender in two weeks!" Kelly says
"Have you guys thought of names yet?" Herrmann asks
"I like Aria for a girl and Noah for a boy!" Harper says
"I love those names" Kelly says
"But I'm sure on one thing and that's the middle names and no one can talk me out of them!" Harper says
"You never told me about this!" Kelly says
"What names?" Dawson asks
"For a little girl her middle name would be Leslie after the one and only Leslie shay who I wish I could've met" Harper says
"That's beautiful Harper!" Dawson says
"And for a boy it will be Ellis after my best friend Ellis Smith who I wish you all could've met!" Harper says
"Those are beautiful!" Kelly says
It's 2 weeks later and Harper is at the doctors finding out the gender but Harper is doing a gender reveal so she asks the doctor to put it in an envelope. She then gives the envelope to Dawson who is planning the event. Dawson gets to work and she makes this beautiful party in a hall. There a pink and blue balloons everywhere and there is a big cake. There's so much yummy food and little party games. There is a big ballon in the middle of the hall and that has the Color of the gender in it. Blue for a boy and pink for a girl. Everyone arrives and Harper is wearing a tight fitted white dress to show off her tiny bump. They all put their gifts on the table and eat some yummy food until it's time to find out the gender. Harper and Kelly stand in front of the ballon and are getting ready to pop it.
"You ready for this Bailey!" Kelly says
"Of course I'm ready!" Harper says
"Okay I want to do a little survey so I want to hear all your predictions!" Dawson says
"So put your hand up for a girl" 10 people put their hands up including Boden, Donna, Mouch, Cindy, Lee Henry, Mouch, Capp, Tony and Dawson
"And now raise your hand for a boy" Dawson says as the rest of 51 put their hands up.
"That's an 12-10 vote for a boy! Let's find out shall we?" Dawson says giving Harper a pin
Kelly puts his hand over Harper's and the countdown begins.
"5....4....3....2....1" everyone says

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