Chapter 25- The wedding part 1

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It's the night before Harper and Kelly's wedding unfortunately the whole of 51 couldn't get time off so they all had to work. So Harper and Kelly decided to have a firehouse wedding as that was where they had met.
"I can't not believe that tomorrow you are going to be Harper Severide!" Dawson says enthusiastically
"I'll still go by Bailey but yeah it does have a nice ring to it!" Harper says sipping on a glass of wine. Harper then makes her way to her room and falls asleep.
She wakes up and Kelly is away out for his run and Harper quickly grabs her dress and makeup and heads to the firehouse. When she arrives she can see Dawson waiting for her.
"Are you ready to get glammed up!" Dawson asks!
"Hell yeah!" Harper says as Dawson pulls her into the firehouse. Inside waiting is Harper's bridesmaids Natalie, Erin and Kim. They are all wearing baby pink bridesmaids dresses with their hair up.
"You all look beautiful!" Harper says with tears in her eyes
"Now it's time for you to get ready!" Dawson says
Dawson then does Harper's makeup and curls her hair and Harper puts on a beautiful White dress not showing too much skin. Dawson the puts on her special Maid of honour dress.
Meanwhile Kelly is putting on his suit along with Casey and Boden.
"You ready for this?" Casey asks
"I was born ready!" Kelly replies
They all put on their suits and head out to the driveway of the firehouse where a beautiful wedding is set up. With chairs for the guest and an aisle for Harper to walk down. A few seconds later it's time for Harper to walk down the aisle. Dawson and Casey walk down first then Boden who is likened Arms with Natalie and Erin and Kim follows behind them. Boden and Casey stand behind Kelly and the girls wait on the other side. Just then Harper starts to walk down the aisle. She is walking down with Herrmann as he has been like a father figure to her. Kelly has tears in his eyes at how beautiful she is. She then stands across form Kelly.
"We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage between Harper Bailey and Kelly Severide" The man who is marrying them says
" you may say your vows to each other" The man says
"Harper Bailey...When I First l met you I knew that you were gonna have a special place in my heart I just didn't know it would be this special, You make my day better just by looking at me. You are one of the best things that has ever happened to me. You make me laugh everyday wether you are cracking a joke or running away from a wasp the size of Jamaica" Kelly says as the firehouse laughs
"All I know is that I can't wait for us to grow old together and raise kids together!" Kelly says smiling
"Harper you may say your vows to Kelly" the man says
"Kelly Severide... When I first met you I thought wow that's one good looking man" Harper says and everyone laughs
"I knew that you were gonna mean something to me but I never thought that I would become Mrs Severide one day. You have helped me get through so many obstacles in my life and I can never thank you enough for that. Like the time I got stabbed you never left my side or when I went to court you took the shift off just to come and see me. When you got stabbed I thought wow I really would be nothing without you" Harper says with tears rolling down her eyes
"Kelly Severide...Do you take Harper Bailey to be your lawfully wedded wife for as long as you shall live?" The man asks
"I do" Kelly says with a smile on his face
"And Harper Bailey do you take Kelly Severide to be your lawfully wedded husband for as long as you shall live?" The man says
"I do" Harper says
"Then it's my pleasure to announce to you all Mr and Mrs Severide! You may kiss the bride!" The man says
Kelly then kisses Harper and the move onto the after event. Everyone is sitting down and it's time for speeches. The first one is from the maid of honour.
"Hi I'm Gabby Dawson and I'm Harper's maid of honour. I knew from the start that Harper and Kelly were gonna be good friends little did I know they were gonna become man and wife. As you know I live with the happy couple and let me tell you there not so happy all the time!" Dawson says and everyone laughs
"The amount of fights I've witnessed is unbelievable! Half of the time there about Kelly washing Harper's favourite pajammas or him going out for a run to early and waking her up. They have been through so much together and I wish them all of the best for the future!" Dawson says smiling
Now it's Casey and Bodens turn!

 They have been through so much together and I wish them all of the best for the future!" Dawson says smiling Now it's Casey and Bodens turn!

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