Chapter 48- I dont know why everyones so worried about me?

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Harper then gets in her car and drives away. Later that night Kelly comes home and he was supposed to be picking up Aria. He walks through the door and aria isn't with him.
"Oh so I'm a threat to my kid now?" Harper says
"No, Boden and Donna offered to take her for the night" Kelly says putting down his keys
"I thought we could get some popcorn and watch a movie?" Kelly asks
"Your just gonna ignore it then?" Harper says
"Look Harper were just worried about you!" Kelly says
"If I was suicidal you would be the first to know about it Kelly. I have a life! I've got a kid and a job! Why would I be suicidal?" Harper says raising her voice a little bit
"Every time the chief tells us to pull out you don't no matter if the building's gonna blow up or if it's gonna collapse, you never get Dawson to check you out if your injured!" Kelly says
"I'm a trained paramedic Kelly! I can do all that my self! In a fire the only thing I focus on is my squad and the victims not me!" Harper says
"We noticed it before you had Aria. We all thought you would stop because you actually had something to live for! But it didn't" Kelly says
"So you told a doctor before coming and speaking to me about it!" Harper says
"I know I should have spoken to you! But I can't loose you Harper!" Kelly says
"I'm done with this conversation! I'm gonnna go to bed then find ways to entertain myself over the next 2 weeks because I can't come into work!" Harper says walking into her room
Matt and Dawson then walk out
"So I'm guessing that didn't go so well?" Casey says sitting down
"Nope! Not one bit!" Kelly says
"She knows your just worried about her but she hates all the attention being on her" Dawson says
"What do you guys think?" Kelly asks
"I for one think she's suicidal, growing up and being told your whole life your nothing and being pushed around from family to family, then being told that no one wanted you that's gotta hurt" Casey says
"I don't know, maybe she is just trying to help the victims" Dawson says
"Maybe" Kelly says getting up and walking to his room
Harper spends the next few days going on runs and making the most of her time off. She still isn't speaking to Kelly but is trying not to let Aria see that. She is giving Aria her dinner when Kelly walks in
"Hey firefighter!" Kelly says looking at Aria
"There's food in the fridge" Kelly says
"Have you eaten yet?" Kelly asks
"Not hungry" Harper replies
Harper then cleans up Aria and takes her for a bath. She changes her into her pyjamas until there's a knock at the door. Kelly answers it and it's chief Boden
"Hey chief come on in!" Kelly says
"Aria left some toys at my place the other night and I came to give them back" Boden says putting down the box
Harper then steps out of Arias room
"Hello Harper!" Chief says
"Chief" Harper says
"Can I get you a drink?" Kelly asks
"A beer would be nice!" Boden answers
"Great! Harper?" Kelly says
"I'm fine, I'm gonna head to bed" Harper says
"But it's only 8? And you've not eaten dinner" Kelly says confused
"I'm just tired" Harper says
"And I need to get Aria down anyway, it was nice to see you chief" Harper says walking into her room
"How is she?" Boden asks
"She's okay! She's just not talking to me, she's dying to get back to work so she is definitely getting better" Kelly says
"Maybe we did the wrong thing" Boden says
"Maybe this is just what she needed, time away from work to get her head together" Kelly says
"Maybe" Boden replies
It's a week later and Harper is with Dr.Charles
"So hows it been?"Dr.Charles asks
"Fine, just normal" Harper says
"Well from what I'm seeing your not going back to work" Dr.Charles says
"What!" Harper shouts

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