Chapter 19- The biggest fire of the year and the L bomb!

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"Kelly I" Harper says before being interrupted
"All units, Red ex building fire, 678 Weststreet" The intercom says
"Bailey, Be carefull okay?" Kelly says as Harper is running out
"Copy that Luitenent" Harper says before running to the truck. Everyone gets suited up and Captain Harvey jumps in the car with chief. In squad Harper givers the guys a heads up
"This is gonna be a big one guys so listen to me and the chief, I don't want to loose any men today, you got it?" Harper says
"Got it Luitenent" They all say. When they arrive there is a big building fire along with other company's that have arrived.
"Squad 3 and 5 take the top floor, Truck 81 and 75 Take the middle floor and Engine 51 and 56 Take the bottom floor" Boden shouts
"You got it chief, Squad 5 will take the right side and we will take the left" Harper says putting on her mask. They all then run into the building and make their way up the stairs, when they arrive on the top floor they can see loads of victims.
"Hey chief! We've got about 10 victims on the left side" Harper says over the radio
"Copy that Bailey" Chief Boden says
"Capp you take two victims down that goes for Cruz and Tony as well" Harper says. Capp, Cruz and Tony all take down two victims whilst Harper tries to dig one out. Outside Capp, Cruz and Tony place their victims down with Dawson and Chout. There about to run back in and then Boom! The building blows up.
"Who was all in there?" Boden shouts
"Harper was still in there from squad!" Cruz shouts
"Casey and Herrmann were in there from truck" Mouch shouts
"Harper do you copy?" Boden says
"Yeah chief, the roof has collapsed on the left side and it has gone down a floor" Harper responds
"Do you have sighting of Casey and Herrmann?" Boden asks
"Negative Chief" Harper responds. Harper then makes her way to the middle floor and spots Casey and Herrmann. She is just about to run over to them until Boom! The building blows up again
"Bailey you need to get out of there" Boden says but Bailey doesn't answer
"Bailey!" Boden shouts through the radio
"Herrmann, Casey, Bailey do you copy?" Boden shouts. Dawson then steps forward with a worried look on her face.
"I told you that you couldn't trust her Wallace!" Captain Harvey shouts
"She just got 2 men trapped!" Captain Harvey says
"Hey! You don't talk about my men like that! Either shut your mouth or leave the scene!" Boden says. Just then the smoke goes black
"This buildings gonna collapse at any moment" Boden says. Meanwhile inside Casey is knocked out and Herrmann isn't breathing. Harper is doing CPR on Herrmann
"1...2...3 come one Herrmann" Harper says as she notices the Building is starting to give way
"Get them out chief!" Dawson shouts
"She doesn't deserve to live, if these two firefighters die that's on her!" Harvey says
"It's not her fault and one of those two fire fighters you are talking about is my husband!" Dawson says. Just then Kelly arrives on the scene.
"Where's Bailey?" Kelly asks running over
"She's inside the building, Stupid girl doesn't know how to follow orders" Harvey says
"What did you just say" Kelly says walking up to Harvey
"Oh here comes Harper's boyfriend to bail her out" Harvey says
"You better shut your mouth before I shut it for you!" Kelly shouts
"ENOUGH!" Boden shouts
"I'm not sure if you are aware but 3 of my men are in there including 2 Luitenents! Now shut up!" Boden says. Meanwhile inside Harper is still doing CPR on Herrmann and Casey is still unconscious. Harper quickly notices that she is surrounded by fire and can't get out.
"That's it, I'm putting the hoses on this blaze!" Boden says
"Chief you will boil them alive!" Kelly says
"If there still alive!" Harvey says
"What other choice do I have Kelly?" Boden says
"If anyone can hear me, I'm gonna put the hoses on the blaze, take cover!" Boden says through the radio
Harper then hears the radio and puts an open wardrobe over Casey and Herrmann but she can't fit in. She tries her hardest to find but all she can find is a piece of the wall.
"Shoot those hoses!" Boden says as Engine shoots the hoses over the blaze. After a few minuets the fire is completely out. They all go to run in but Boden shouts after them
"The building is still unstable you can't go in there!" Boden shouts
"But chief!" Cruz says
"I said you can't go in there!" Boden shouts. Just then Harper appears at the door with Casey over her shoulder and Herrmann on the other one. She collapses onto the ground as she gets out but still continues to do CPR on Herrmann. Dawson and Chout run over.
"I've been doing CPR on Herrmann for about 10 minutes but I don't know how long he wasn't breathing before that and Matt has been unconscious for the whole time and has a laceration to his right leg" Harper says as Chout takes over doing CPR
"Good job Bailey!" Dawson says. Harper then stands up and walks over to squad and Captain Harvey and Chief Boden come over.
"You had us scared there Harper but good job!" Boden says
"Yeah maybe your not so useless after all" Harvey says as they walk away and Kelly runs over
"Don't do that ever again Bailey!" Kelly says
"I only did what you would  have done!" Harper says
"Your gonna make a great Luitenent one day... I love you Harper" Kelly says looking at Harper
"What!" Harper says

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