Chapter 34- Please Get me Out Of Here!

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Luckily the bullet hits the wall next to Harper and Harper let's out a sigh. The man then grabs Harper by her hair and takes her upstairs. He sits her down on a chair and ties ropes around her. He then sits on the floor across the room holding the gun pointing towards Harper. All Harper can think about is Aria and Kelly.
"What was your wife's name?" Harper asks cautiously
"None of your damn business, all you need to know is that she died because of you and now our little boy has no mum!" The man cries out
"How did she die?" Harper asks
"It was a train derailment" The man says
Harper the notices that she was at a train derailment and that she treated a little boy and mum
"May I ask, is your name Kelly?" Harper says
"How did you know?" Kelly says
"Was your wife's name Amelia?" Harper asks
"Don't you dare ever say her name!" Kelly shouts
"I was in that train with your wife and son, I got them out and got them to medics" Harper says
"Well you clearly didn't do something right, she got an infection in her leg and it spread to her blood, she died a week later!" Kelly shouts
"If you go through with this then your son will have no dad, If you let me go now and walk out with me then you will get nothing but a slap on the wrist" Harper says with a tear rolling down her face
The man then hesitates until Harper's radio goes off
"We're coming in Harper!" Voight says
"Don't!" Harper says
"What?" Jay says
"Please just hang back" Harper says
"Just walk out with me" Harper says
The man hesitates and then puts the gun down and then he unties Harper.
The man walks out first with Harper following behind him. The intelligence team quickly grab the man and Harper runs over to Kelly.
"Do you have a death wish?" Kelly asks giving Harper a hug
"I was just doing what I signed up to do" Harper says wiping the tears away from her face
"Don't do it again!" Kelly says
Shift is now over and Harper has gone to pick up Aria with Kelly from Bennys. Benny appears at the door with Aria in his hands and Harper snatches her off of him.
"Mummy missed you today!" Harper says hugging Aria with tears rolling down her face
"Let's get you in the car, say bye to grandpa!" Harper says to aria
"Bye rocket!" Benny says
"See you in 2 days!" Benny says as Harper walks away
"Thanks for watching her dad" Kelly says
"Is everything okay with Harper?" Benny asks
"She had a rough call today, a man held a gun up to her" Kelly says
"Poor thing" Benny says as Kelly walks away
They drive home and Harper still hasn't let go of Aria. Harper sits down on the couch cradling aria in her arms
"You can let her go you know" Kelly says
"Right" Harper says putting Aria in her little baby chair. Just then Dawson and Casey walk in.
"There's my little paramedic!" Dawson says picking Aria up
"Careful!" Harper shouts
"Okay, I will be" Dawson says as Harper makes her way to her room
Kelly comes in just after her.
"You okay" Kelly asks
"That guy today, remember the train derailment?" Harper asks
"The one where you refused to get out I'll never forget it" Kelly says
"Well the mum that I got out she's dead, and was it my fault for making her jump out of the train" Harper asks
"You got her out! If she has stayed in there then she would have been dead anyway" Kelly says
"You gave her a few extra days Harper" Kelly says
"Yeah maybe I did" Harper says
"I got a job offer today" Kelly says sitting down
"They must really love you" Harper says laughing
"I'm thinking about taking it" Kelly says
"What?" Harper says looking a little confused
"Where?" Harper says
"It's in Miami, for squad 8 but it's really good money" Kelly says
"But what about me and Aria?" Harper asks
"It's only from Monday to Friday so I could fly back on weekends and it's only temporary for 6 months" Kelly says
"Kelly you can't!" Harper says before Kelly cuts her off
"I've already agreed I fly out next month" Kelly says
"You can't be serious!" Harper says

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