Chapter 9- I cant do this anymore

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A few hours after Harper gets the phone call everyone from 51 is at her apartment.
"I mean why would you do that, stab someone and then claimed that they made it up" Dawson says angrily
"He needs to be taught a lesson" Herrmann says raising his voice a little
"Don't worry, I'm sure the judge will know that Harper isn't lying" Mouch says reassuring everyone
"We need to get her a good lawyer" Kelly replies
"I know a few, ill hook her up" Casey adds confidently.
Harper then goes to stand up to get some fresh air but clutches her abdomen in pain.
"Woah...Let's sit down" Boden says guiding her back down onto the couch.
But no one notices as there all too busy talking about the trial. Harper then looks down at the ground looking a little overwhelmed.
"I mean do we need to have a union Rep present" Dawson asks
"Not unless it involves her job" Mouch replies
"Could they get her kicked out of the CFD" Kelly asks
"Since it happend on shift maybe but also because she is claimed to be lying about it" Mouch answers
Harper can feel the anger rising up inside of her as she clenches her fists.
"What happens if she gets kicked out" Dawson says
"Or worse she goes down for this" Casey replies
"HEY! IM RIGHT HERE! SO QUIT TALKING ABOUT ME LIKE IM NOT! THIS IS MY PROBLEM NOT YOURS! I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE! I SHOULD JUST PLEED GUILTY AND SAVE EVERYONE A TRIP" Harper says as she stands up. Harper then gets a bit lightheaded but pushes through and she heads towards the door. She clutches her abdomen in pain but she knows that she needs some air.
"Harper wait" Kelly and Dawson shout
Kelly then runs out of the door to catch up with Harper. He finds her sitting on a bench outside of her apartment building looking through old Instagram posts.
"What if I never get to work with you guys again" Harper asks
"Hey! Look at me! I'm not gonna let that happen" Kelly replies
Kelly then grabs Harper's phone and looks at the pictures.
"Did you seriously take a picture of Capp trying to take a selfie with squad" Kelly says as he laughs
"I just wanted to capture Capps first ever time taking a selfie" Harper says laughing
Kelly then scrolls down some more.
"Ohh you didn't post this" Kelly asks laughing
"Yep when Casey stole my phone and took a picture of you two, I though you both looked too cute not to post it" Harper replies Laughing at the picture
"I'm gonna miss all this" Harper says her face quickly falling
"There's not gonna be anything to miss because your gonna smash This trial" Kelly replies
"Let's hope I can" Harper says
"Let's get you back inside" Kelly says helping her up
They make their way up the stairs and towards Harper's apartment. When they walk in everyone apologises and Harper gets a call from Jay.
"Hey, I hope it's good news" Harper asks
"It might be, but I've got a court date" Jay responds
"Hit me with it" Harper says
"It's on March 23" Jay replies
"What but that's so soon" Harper responds frustrated
"I know I couldn't move it, I'm sorry Harper" Jay says
Harper then ends the call and fills in the guys on the call.
" We can make it, Casey call your lawyer friend and me and Kelly will make sure Harper's prepared, Everyone else can be there for support, Got it" Dawson asks
"Got it" Casey replies
"We can do this guys" Herrmann says
"I sure hope so, or else my CFD career will be over as I know it" Harper whispers to herself

 " We can make it, Casey call your lawyer friend and me and Kelly will make sure Harper's prepared, Everyone else can be there for support, Got it" Dawson asks "Got it" Casey replies "We can do this guys" Herrmann says "I sure hope so, or else my ...

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