Chapter 23- Will harper make it out alive?

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Harper then quickly tries to get all the rubble off of her legs as she stands up she notices that her leg is cut pretty badly. She notices Mason and his mum in the corner with the shop owner next to them.
"Everyone okay?" Harper says
"Yeah we're fine, you look more beat up than the rest of us" Masons mum says
"Oh this is nothing" Harper says pointing to her leg
Harper the turns sound for try and find a way out
"Think like Kelly and Casey, come on Harper you can do this !" Harper's says to herself
"Who is Kelly and Casey?" The shop owner asks
"Kelly is the Luitenent on squad 3 and Casey is the Luitenent on truck 81, Kelly is also my fiancé" Harper says
"Aww young love!" The shop owner says just as Harper's radio turns on
"Harper! Harper! Do you copy?" Kelly says over the radio
"I'm here Kelly!" Harper says over the radio
"We're gonna tunnel in from the north side" Kelly says
"Copy that Luitenent" Harper says
"Are you" Kelly says before the radio cuts off
"Everyone over to the north side!" Harper says before going back in for the rude man. The shop owner, Mason and his mum appear at the hole that Kelly and Casey made.
"Was a firefighter in there with you her name is Harper?" Kelly asks panicking
"Miss Harper went back for the bad man" Mason says. Kelly then leaps through the whole before anyone can stop him.
"Harper! Harper!" Kelly calls out but he gets no answer. He notices a trail of blood and decides to follow it, He finds Harper next to a pool of blood coming from her leg but she doesn't notice as she is doing CPR on the man.
"Harper!" Kelly shouts
"Kelly thank god your here! I need you to get this man out ASAP, Dawson needs to intubate him, tell her he just passed out and stoped breathing and it's been about 5 mins" Harper says looking at Kelly
"But" Kelly says but before he can finish Harper interrupts him
"Leave me Kelly I'm fine, Now get him out!" Harper shouts as Kelly picks up the victim. He gets to the whole and the whole firehouse are there.
"Where's Bailey!" Casey asks
"She's making her own way out" Kelly says as he climbs out. It's been a good minute and Harper still isn't out.
"I'm going back in!" Kelly shouts
"Wait Kelly!" Casey says as he hears footsteps. Harper then appears at the hole and everyone lifts her out.
"Kelly!" Harper says giving him a hug
"It's okay, your safe now I've got you!" Kelly says rubbing her back
"Your leg!" Kelly says
"It's fine just a little cut! I got tapped under some rubble and it must have dug into my leg" Harper says
"Let's get you checked out just to make sure!" Kelly says bringing Harper over to Dawson
"Here sit down" Dawson says as Harper sits down
"Did you loose consciousness at all?" Dawson asks
"No..." Harper says lying
"Harper!" Dawson says
"Okay fine yes but it was only for a few minutes...I think" Harper says
"Miss Harper!" Mason says running up to her
"Valentine!" Harper says enthusiastically
"You two know each other?" Kelly says
"This is my new friend Mason but I was telling him how in the firehouse we go by our last names so I gave him his new nickname!" Harper says
"Who is he!" Mason asks pointing at Kelly
"This is Mr. Kelly remember the man I was telling your mum about?" Harper says
"Ohh the man who was going to save us!" Mason says looking at Kelly
"That's right!" Harper says smiling
"Hi Mr Kelly!" Mason says
"Hey Bud!" Kelly says back before Mason goes back to his mum
"So I was gonna save you huh?" Kelly asks
"I said the whole of 51 would save us don't get too cocky!" Harper says laughing
"I don't think you need to go to med but if anything changes promise me you will go?" Dawson says
"I promise" Harper says
"And if she doesn't I'll force her" Kelly says laughing
"Come on you can ride back with us" Kelly says pulling Harper up. They arrive back at the firehouse and Harper sits down on the couch.
"Great job today Bailey you saved loads of people from dying" Chief says
"I was just doing my job Chief" Harper says
"Whilst everyone is here I have some news" Boden says as everyone looks at him
"As you know today Harper showed bravery and leadership, I got news from headquarters this morning and It's my honour to congratulate Harper Bailey with her Luitenent badge" Boden says enthusiastically
"What!" Harper says
"Way to go!" Herrmann says
"Congrats Harper!" Casey and Dawson say
"Thank you chief I won't let you down!" Harper says
"But here's the thing there's a Luitenent position open on squad 4 over in firehouse 6 and they want you to take it" Boden says
"They what!" Harper says looking at Kelly

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