Chapter 17- Running into old Luitenents!

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"Don't say that!" Dawson says putting a reassuring hand on Harper's shoulder
"It's just maybe that when Ellis died I should have quit right there and then and not come and bother all of you guys" Harper says sadly
"Hey! Look at me! We love you Harper! We're glad that your here and anyone that isn't is just lying" Dawson said
"Yeah maybe... umm can you not tell anyone about this I don't wanna worry them?" Harper asks
"Sure..." Dawson replies before walking out
Harper then walks back to her quarters and does the paperwork for her last call but her mind is racing with all the thoughts of quitting the CFD. Until she hears a knock at the door
"Come in!" Harper says
"Hey Luitenent!" Cruz says enthusiastically
"Oh hello Cruz... I didn't expect you back for a few more days?" Harper says
"Oh yeah umm I head that squad was short handed and thought I'd cut my vacation short!" Cruz says
"Thanks Cruz...Umm can you tell the guys that we're gonna do drills soon?" Harper asks
"Sure thing Luitenent!" Cruz replies as he leaves
Harper then makes her way out to the apparatus floor and pulls out the dummy's.
"Today we're doing fire drills starting off with pulling a person out of a burning building so that means all gear on!" Harper says enthusiastically
"But it's like 100 degrees out!" Capp says
"Did I ask for you to say anything...Didn't think so!" Harper says starting the timer
"Not too shabby but could still use some work!" Harper says
"Hey Luitenent?" Tony says
"Yep?" Harper replies
"The truck needs Gas!" Tony says
"Okay everyone suit up we're going for a ride!" Harper says jumping in the truck. They go and fill up the truck with fuel and Harper spots and old friend
"Bailey" Luitenent Harvey says
"Luitenent...I thought you were working in Miami" Harper asks
"I still am they just needed some help over on squad 5...Why are you here?" Luitenent Harvey says
"I'm a Luitenent on Squad 3...Well I'm filling in for Kelly Severide he's out with an injury" Harper says coldly
"I knew you'd never make it, the best you can get is being an acting Luitenent. Your probably a floater" Luitenent Harvey says
"I'm accually a paramedic on Ambulance 61" Harper responds
"I knew girls couldn't be fire fighters" Luitenent Harvey says laughing
"I guess we will se about that... Have a nice day Luitenent" Harper says walking away
"Squad 3, Squad 5, Ambulance 61. Two vehicle collision, 345 south street" The radio says
As they arrive on scene Squad 3 gets there first which means that Harper makes all the decisions. Form a first glance Harper can see one man who is in critical condition whilst the other car has no one inside of it. The car with no one inside is on top of the car with the victim.
"Tony I'm gonna need you to put a neck collar on the guy and Capp have a backboard ready" Harper shouts
"Yes Luitenent" they both say
"Squad 6, attach a chain to the back of the car on top and attach it onto squad 3, Cruz when I say go I'm gonna need you to drive the truck slowly until I say stop got it?" Harper says confidently
"You heard her!" Luitenent Harvey says looking a little shocked
"Okay Cruz go!" Harper says as Cruz start to drive squad slowly
"Stop!" Harper says as Cruz stops the truck. They then place the victim onto a backboard and Dawson and Chout work on him.
"Good job out there Bailey" some firefighter from squad 5 says. Harper then walks past her old Luitenent
"I thought girls couldn't be firefighters let alone on squad" Harper says with a grin on her face
"You know what I can do this" Harper whispers to herself. Squad then make their way back to the firehouse.
A few days go by and Harper is in her quarters. Boden knocks on the door and let's himself in.
"Do you know a Captain Harvey by any chance?" Boden asks
"I know of a Luitenent Harvey?" Harper replies
"He used to work in Miami on squad 8 and is filling in on squad 5?" Boden says
"Yeah he's my old Luitenent why?" Harper asks
"He's coming today and he's gonna supervise you on squad" Boden says looking down
"He's What!?" Harper shouts

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