Chapter 49- You dont understand i need to go back to work!

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"I took 2 weeks off just like you said, nothing has changed because there was nothing wrong with me in the first place!" Harper says
"Well I'm now aware that your not talking to your firehouse?" Dr.Charles says
"What would you do if your wife and colleagues came and told a doctor that your suicidal? Would you want to talk to them?" Harper asks
"Well no but" Dr Charles says before Harper cuts him off
"Exactly, I'm more than ready to go back to work" Harper says
"Fine but your not returning as a Luitenent" Dr.Charles says
"What? You can't do that!" Harper says shocked
"I can and I am" Dr.Charles says
Harper then gets up and walks out. It's now time for shift so she drives to the firehouse and sits outside for a second. She finally walks in and goes to get changed. She comes out and sits in the common room with a coffee in her hand.
"Why is Kelly in your quarters?" Dawson asks
"Oh you haven't heard? Because I'm "suicidal" I'm not allowed to be a Luitenent anymore" Harper says
"Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambulance 61, house fire, 60th west street" the intercom says
They all suit up and get in the truck, when they arrive on sene they can see a 3 story house that is up in flames
"Capp,Tony, Cruz! Inside with me! Bailey wait outside in case we need a tool brought in" Kelly says
"Sure Luitenent" Harper says
Harper then waits outside but she isn't needed. They then make there way back to the firehouse and Harper asks Kelly a question.
"Wait outside really?" Harper says
"You weren't needed, I'm not bringing in all of my men if they weren't needed" Kelly says
"But yet you and 3 other members of your squad went in leaving 1 behind. And funnily enough that 1 member has been accused of being suicidal? I don't think that's fair Luitenent!" Harper says
"I'm not having this conversation Bailey" Kelly says
"No I get it I'm not your wife when we step into the firehouse but yet at home I'm your wife?" Harper says
"That's not true" Kelly says
"Permission to leave shift Luitenent?" Harper asks
"Granted" Kelly says with a sigh
Harper then goes home and is later joined by Dawson.
"I have some news!" Dawson says sitting down with a tub of ice cream for them to share
"What's up?" Harper says taking a spoonful of ice cream
"I'm pregnant!" Dawson says
"What!! Omg! I'm so happy for you!" Harper says hugging Dawson
"Which means there's an open spot as the PIC on ambo. I've spoken to Boden and I want you to take it!" Dawson says
"Of course I will!" Harper says
"Really!" Dawson replies
"Anything for you! I wouldn't want anyone messing up your ambo" Harper says
"Well your getting a new partner to go with it" Dawson says
"Don't worry I can handle them!" Harper says
*Authors note*
I'm honestly so sorry for the short chapters! I'm trying to make the book last longer! I've had a busy week but I'm sure I'll be back to normal tomorrow! Thank you all for being so patient! If you like this book you might like my other book the 3rd Dawson!

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