Chapter 31- The Birth of Aria Severide!

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Casey then runs outs to the truck and grabs his radio. He radios over to Dawson
"Matt? What's up?" Dawson asks
"How's the fire?" Casey asks
"It's pretty big, Kelly's been in there a while now!" Dawson says
"I need you to tell him to get out!" Casey says
"Why?" Dawson asks
"Harper's gone into labour and we need him to meet us at med?" Casey says
"What! How are you gonna transfer her to med?" Dawson asks
"We're gonna go in truck!" Casey says as he hears Harper scream
"Get this thing out of me!" Harper shouts
"Calm down Harper deep breaths" Boden says
"With all due respect chief I need you to shut up before your head if gonna be through that wall" Harper shouts clutching her stomach
"Where's Kelly when you need him!" Harper says grabbing chiefs hand
"Any update Matt?" Boden asks
"He's in a burning building, Dawson's trying to get through to him." Casey says
"He better get out of that Damm fire!" Harper says followed by a scream
Meanwhile over at the fire Dawson has been trying to reach Kelly until it finally goes through.
"What is it Dawson I'm a bit busy right now!" Kelly says angrily
"I need you to get out that fire and come with us now!" Dawson says
"I can't!" Kelly says
"Harper's in Labour!" Dawson shouts
"Oh my god!, Capp!" Kelly's shouts
"Yes Luitenent?" Capp says
"I need you to cover for me, Harper is in labour!" Kelly says
"Copy that Luitenent!" Capp shouts
Back at the firehouse Harper is making her way into truck and Herrmann and Boden are sitting at each side of Harper. She is holding both of there hands.
"Otis you better speed up! If I have this baby here I will literally come and stab you!" Harper shouts
"Okay!" Otis says speeding up
"Any word on Kelly?" Boden asks
"He's on his way to med with Dawson!" Casey says
"Thank god!" Harper says followed by a high pitched scream
They then arrive at med and Kelly and Dawson are waiting at the front doors. They help Harper out
"Why did you have to be in a fire!" Harper shouts
"I know I'm sorry but I'm here now take deeps breaths!" Kelly says holding Harper
"Don't tell me to breath Kelly!" Harper shouts
"Hey don't talk to him like that!" Bella shouts
"Is she actually picking a fight with me" Harper says to Dawson
"Yeah I am don't talk to him like that!" Bella says
"Hey! Back off!" Dawson shouts as Bella walks away
They then rush her into med and the whole of 51 is in the waiting room. 3 hours later Kelly comes out and everyone stands up.
"I'm a dad!" Kelly says with a smile on his face
"I'm an aunt!" Dawson shouts
"How is she?" Boden asks
"She's just resting but she said you can all go in and see her!" Kelly says as everyone walks in but he stops Bella
"What are you doing?" Bella asks
"After the way you spoke to her im not letting you see her!" Kelly shouts
"Fine! But I was only defending you!" Bella shouts as she walks away
Everyone walks in to see Harper holding Aria in her arms.
"Everyone meet Aria Leslie Severide!" Harper whispers
"She looks just like you" Dawson says rubbing arias little fingers
"Can I hold her?" Cruz asks
"Of course you can!" Harper says passing aria over to Cruz
He holds her for a while and Harper talks to 51.
"Seems like you've made a new friend over there Cruz!" Dawson says
"I love her!" Cruz says
"And she loves you, I think she will be a pretty good help around the firehouse"Harper says
"I can already tell she's gonna be a paramedic just like her Mum and Aunt" Dawson says
"I think she's gonna be a firefighter! Like her dad and uncles!" Kelly says
"Speaking of which, you are all obviously gonna play big parts in Arias life but we would like to ask Dawson and Casey something?" Harper says
"What is it" Dawson and Casey say
"You guys have been so good letting us stay and you have supported me throughout my whole pregnancy which is why we would like you both to be Arias God Parents!" Harper says
"Oh my god!" Dawson says with tears welling up in her eyes
"We would love to!" They both say
"Great!" Harper says as she yawns
"I think we should give Harper some time to rest"Boden says
Everyone says there goodbyes and it's just Harper, Kelly and Aria. Kelly is holding Aria.
"I'm sorry for shouting at you" Harper says
"Hey it's all good I know you were in a lot of pain" Kelly says
"What happened to Bella?" Harper asks
"I told her she wasn't welcome to see you and Aria after the way she spoke to you" Kelly says
"It's all good, you do know she has a thing for you" Harper says
"I'm aware but there's only 2 lady's in my life, isn't that right" Kelly says looking at Aria

 "I'm sorry for shouting at you" Harper says "Hey it's all good I know you were in a lot of pain" Kelly says "What happened to Bella?" Harper asks "I told her she wasn't welcome to see you and Aria after the way she spoke to you" Kelly says "It's ...

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