Chapter 40- You will pay for this!

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Is an hour later and Lopez has officially left 51. Harper then sits down in the common room with Mouch and Cruz. She then gets a FaceTime call  from Kelly.
"Hey!" Kelly says
"Hey! I have great news!" Harper says enthusiastically
"What is it?" Kelly asks
"Lopez as officially been sacked from 51" Harper says with a smile on her face
"That's great!" Kelly says
"Hey Kelly!" Dawson says popping in the screen
"Hey Dawson! Are you taking care of Harper for me!" Kelly says
"Yep!" Dawson replies. Everyone then gathers round to talk to Kelly. After a while Harper ends the call from Kelly and gets a call from Benny but she can't answer it as
"Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambulance 61, house fire, 56th street" The intercom says
"That's Bennys house!" Harper says running out
They suit up and arrive on scene. Bennys house is up in flames but all Harper can think about is aria. She rushes over to try and find Benny then she spots him.
"Benny! Where aria?" Harper asks
"She's getting checked out by the medics" Benny says as Harper bolts over to Dawson
"Where is she?" Harper asks
"She's right here don't worry" Dawson says passing aria over to Harper
"Thank god" Harper says hugging aria
"Okay mum needs to go into the fire now okay, you stay with auntie Gabby!" Harper says to Aria
"Was anyone else in there?" Harper asks
"My friend and his grandkids!" Benny shouts
"I'll get them don't worry Benny" Harper says
"Mask up squad!" Harper says putting on her mask and running in
"Truck is gonna take downstairs we will take upstairs!" Harper says running up
"Fire department call out!" Harper shouts
"Help in here" A little boy shouts
"I'm coming!" Harper says. But as Harper is running the roof collapses. Harper then gets stuck under a pile of rubble
"Hey chief, the roof has just came in!" Casey says through the radio
"Squad 3 do you copy?" Boden says through the radio
"Yeah chief" Cruz, Capp and Tony says
"Harper! Do you copy?" Boden says
"Harper! Does anyone have sight of Harper" Boden shouts
"We will go look chief!" Casey says
"Harper call out!" Casey says
"Over here! I need help with the victims" Harper shouts
Casey then grabs the little boy
"You go I'll get the dad!" Harper says
Casey then runs out and hands the boy over to the medics
"Where Bailey?" Boden asks
"She's just coming!" Casey says
Harper then comes running out with a man over her shoulder. Casey comes and grabs the man.
"You good Bailey?" Boden asks
"Yeah chief!" Harper says
"But your bleeding?" Cruz says
"Oh it's nothing" Harper says
"Right squad help with the clean up" Harper shouts
After a while the fire is out and Aria has gone home with Benny.
"Somethings not right" Harper says to Casey
"Huh?" Casey says
"I mean why would Benny Severides house go on fire?" Harper says
"Maybe it was just electrical and he didn't see it coming" Casey suggests
"No because he would know the signs" Harper says going back into the building
She walks around and notices a weird substance on the kitchen counter she puts some on her finger and smells it.
"Oh my god! This stuff is highly flammable, but why would Benny do it? Unless it was an arson attempt" Harper says to herself
She walks out and walks up to Matt and Boden.
"This fire was set on purpose, I walked in and found a highly flammable substances yhe kitchen counter and that what where Benny said the fire started" Harper said
"But why would Benny set it" Boden asks
"He didn't! Why would an ex firefighter set his house on fire? If someone was out to get Benny then they would set it but Benny doesn't have much people that hate him" Harper says
"Your point?" Casey says
"What if someone was out to get 51, as they knew we would respond to this. Or more specifically someone out to get me or Kelly by targeting his dads house knowing he was gonna be in there with Aria" Harper says
"But how would they know that aria was in there?" Matt asks
"It would have to be someone who has met us and knows our schedule" Harper says
"Who would do that though?" Casey says
"That's why we get arson and CPD involved!" Harper says
"Why CPD?" Casey says
"If someone is out to get me or Kelly surely they won't stop at his dads house" Harper says
"I'll let CPD and Arson know!" Boden says walking away
"I hope your right Bailey" Casey says
"I know I'm right!" Harper says

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