Chapter 41- Aria Turns 1

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It's a few days after the fire and aria turns one in 3 days. Kelly has flown in from Miami for 2 weeks to celebrate with them. Harper has spent the past few days deciding on a theme for her party.Harper has decided to go for a Firefighter theme as Kelly always calls Aria his little firefighter. She has spent days buying all of the things for the party and can't wait for it all to come together. She has went out shopping with Dawson to buy some of her presents
"I can't believe that Aria is one!" Dawson says
"Neither can I" Harper says picking up toys
They pick out a few bits and head back to the house. Kelly and Matt have gone out with Aria so that Dawson and Harper can wrap the presents. They have just finished wrapping presents when Kelly and Matt come home.
"There's my little paramedic!" Dawson says taking Aria off of Matt
"She's gonna be a firefighter just like her mum and dad!" Kelly says enthusiastically
"She is gonna be a paramedic like her auntie Gabby and Mummy! Sure you are!" Dawson says looking at Aria
"I can see a future truck Luitenent" Matt says
"In your dreams!" Kelly says hitting matts shoulder
"Leave my little princess alone, she can be whatever she wants" Harper says laughing
"How is she gonna be one!" Kelly says
"I know it feels like yesterday that I was in labour with her!" Harper says
"I know and we had to take you in truck, she was threatening to stab Otis" Matt says laughing
"And Kelly was stuck in a burning building" Dawson says
"I'm just glad she's here and safe!" Harper says enthusiastically
"But I have to agree with Dawson I think we have a little paramedic on our hands!" Harper says laughing
It's 3 days later and finally Arias birthday. Matt, Gabby, Kelly and Harper all wake up to watch Aria open her presents. She loves all of them. Harper then gets her ready and Matt and Kelly take her out so that Dawson and Harper can get her party ready. Harper and Gabby quickly get to work and transform their apartment into a firefighter party
"I love it!" Harper says as she takes a picture
"Me too!" Gabby says
Harper then posts the picture onto Instagram
Matt and Kelly come back with aria and Harper shows her the party. She likes the toys but that's pretty much it. Boden, Mouch, Herrmann and his kids all walk in and out their presents on the table
"It's looks great! Well done!" Mouch says giving Harper a hug
"I couldn't have done it without Gabby, Casey and Kelly" Harper says smiling
The rest of 51 arrive and put there presents on the table. They mingle around a little bit Cruz hasn't left arias side. He's been playing with her and dancing with her. Harper then stands up and touches her glass with a knife
"I would just like to say a big thank your to everyone who came. The last few weeks have been rough for everyone. I couldn't have gotten through it without the lovely people at 51! So from me and Harper we would like to say a big thank you!" Harper says
"It's no problem Harper!" Herrmann says
"And to show how great full we are, you know how you have all been complaining about the outside BBQ?" Harper says
"Yeah" everyone says
"Well we got you a new one!" Harper says pulling out a BBQ
"You didn't!" Otis says running over
"Thank you so much harper!" Cruz and Capp say
"It's no problem really guys!" Harper says

 I couldn't have gotten through it without the lovely people at 51! So from me and Harper we would like to say a big thank you!" Harper says "It's no problem Harper!" Herrmann says "And to show how great full we are, you know how you have all been...

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