Chapter 59 - Last call for a while + Gender Reveals

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Harper then jumps into the truck. They arrive on scene. They can see a house up in flames with gas canisters inside the house.
"There's no way we're getting that fire out!" Kelly says
"We've just gotta run!" Casey says
"I recon we've got about 5 mins before this place goes up in flames, so I say we run in and grab on person each" Harper says
"It's good enough for me! Suit up!" Boden shouts
They all suit up and run in. They all grab the fist person that they see but Harper notices a little boy trapped so she runs to get him. She digs him out and picks him up, as she is running out the house explodes. No one can see if Harper made it or not
"No! Harper!" Kelly says tying to run in but Boden is holding him back
"She will have made it" Boden says slightly worried
There is still no sight of Harper and Kelly can feel his legs going like jelly so he falls to the ground. Everyone is starting to think that she didn't make it.
"I can't loose her! She has to have made it!" Kelly shouts. Everyone has a sad look on their face until
"What's with all the sad faces?" Harper says spreading in front of the house
"Harper!" Kelly says running up and giving her a hug
"Don't do that again!" Kelly says holding her tight
"Can't breath over here Luitenent" Harper says laughing
"Your not coming on another call! You hear me!" Kelly says
"Loud and clear!" Harper says smiling
It's a few weeks later and Harper is going to find out the gender. Like last time Gabby is arranging her gender reveal. The doctor writes it down on a piece of paper and hands it to gabby
"Everything looks great Mrs Severide" the doctor says before walking out
"When can I find out?" Harper asks
"In a few days! Don't worry this will be the best gender reveal ever!" Dawson says enthusiastically
A few days pass and it's finally time to find out the gender. Everyone is gathered to find out
"Okay! We need your predictions!" Harper shouts
"I think girl!" Boden, Cruz, Otis,Herrmann, Gabby and Kelly shout
"I think boy!" Capp, Tony, Matt, Mouch, Donna, Trudy and Cindy shout
"What does the mum think?" Gabby says
"I'm happy with either but I think a boy!" Harper says enthusiastically
Kelly and Harper then pop the ballon and blue confetti bits fly around everywhere. Everyone cheers
"It's a boy!!" Harper says warping Kelly into a big hug
"I knew it!" Harper shouts
"It's a boy!! Congratulations Harper!" Casey says
"We will teach him everything about firefighting!" Boden shouts
"I can't wait to meet you!" Harper says rubbing her belly
Harper then walks into the firehouse the next day and she has been felling a little off all morning.
"Ohh you look a little pale" Dawson says
"I haven't slept or eaten all day" Harper says sitting a Kelly's seat on the squad table
Harper then goes to get up but faints
"Harper!" Dawson shouts

"Ohh you look a little pale" Dawson says "I haven't slept or eaten all day" Harper says sitting a Kelly's seat on the squad table Harper then goes to get up but faints "Harper!" Dawson shouts

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