Chapter 3- A look into the past

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"So are you willing to share why you left busy Miami for Chicago" Dawson asks as she got into the rig
"I'm not sure the story is going to be that interesting" Harper replies not wanting to tell Dawson
"Come on if we're gonna be partners we need to tell each other everything" Dawson adds nudging Harper's arm
"So when I first got my job in Miami it was quite nerve racking because it was my first permanent placement, over the 4 years that I was there me and this firefighter got really close" Harper explains just before Dawson cut her off
"Ohhh is this going to be a cute love story, please tell me this is going to be a cute love story" Dawson asks with puppy dog eyes
Harper shoots Dawson a look
"Okay I'm sorry please continue" Dawson apologises
"Anyway his name was Smith, Ellis Smith and one day we got called to a red ex building fire and he ran in but after a while he never came back out, I never thought anything of it until I saw him lying unconscious on another firefighters back. He carried him over to us and I was the PIC at the time so I took him and had to make all the calls, I tried my hardest to save him but after 15 mins of CPR I decided to call it. Ever since that day I have blamed myself for his death" Harper explains looking down at the ground with tears streaming down her face
"Oh god Harper I didn't know" Dawson answers giving Harper a reassuring hug
"It's fine, anyway tell me about this Leslie Shay" Harper says wiping the tears from her face
"Well she was the life and soul of this firehouse as Kelly would say, she died in a fire a couple of weeks back and Kelly isn't taking it so well" Dawson explains holding back the tears
"That's why he won't even look at me" Harper realises
"It's just hard for him as they were so close, you should try talking to him you have a lot more on common than you know" Dawson says
"Yeah maybe" Harper replies just as they arrived back at 51
Bailey and Dawson made their way into the common room and everyone started cheering
"There she is! Happy first fire Bailey" Herrman says enthusiastically
"Aww thanks guys, technically it's my first fire in Chicago" Harper says confidentially
"Ahh a smart lady, I like you already" Casey answers shooting Herrmann a look
"How about we do 10% off drinks a mollys tonight to celebrate Baileys first shift at 51" Herrmann asks
"Wow very generous of you Herrmann" Cruz says laughing
"I think that's a great idea Herrmann, don't make fun of the old man Cruz" Dawson says as she sits down next to Casey
"I'm only 44 I'll have you know" Herrmann replies trying to defend him self
"Thanks Herrmann, I'll swing by" Harper says enthusiastically

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