Chapter 60 - Will Harper pull through?

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It's been 10 mins and Harper still hasn't woken up. Dawson has put cold towels on her head to try and wake her up. Kelly is right by her side holding her hand and the whole firehouse is gathered around her. Harper then starts to wake up
"K-K-Kelly?" Harper says weakly and confused
"I'm right here! Everything's gonna be okay!" Kelly says kissing her hand
"What happened?" Harper asks confused
"Do you know where you are sweetheart?" Dawson asks
"The firehouse?" Harper says weakly
"Great! You fainted" Dawson says
"Oh god! I'm sorry guys!" Harper says
"Hey it's okay! We're gonna take you to med just to be sure!" Dawson says
"Oh no! It's fine! I'm fine! I don't wanna waste their time!" Harper says getting up but falling back down
"Woah!" The whole of 51 says leaning in to catch her
Kelly then picks her up bridal style and carries her to the ambulance. They load up and head to med. Sqaud and truck stay at the firehouse in case of any calls
"How are you feeling?" Dawson asks
"My head is so sore!" Harper says rubbing the back of her head then looking at her hands and notices blood on them
"Oh god!" Harper says worried
"Hey it's okay! You hit it when you fainted!" Dawson says
They then arrive at med and they walk in
"What have we...Harper?" Maggie says
"Harper Severide, 16 weeks pregnant she fainted whilst at the firehouse. Never stoped breathing and hit her head on the way down" Dawson says pushing Harper in
"Treatment room 2!" Maggie says
They wait for a while until Dr.Marcel appears at the door
"Harper! Sorry for the wait! Tell me what's been going on" Dr.Marcel says
"I fainted and hit my head" Harper says weakly
"And your pregnant right?" Dr.Marcel asks
"Yup! 16 weeks with baby number 2" Harper says
"Congratulations!" Dr.Marcel says as he checks her out
"Have you had any morning sickness?" Dr.Marcel asks
"Yeah, I can't eat because of it" Harper says
"Okay you have low iron which is very dangerous in pregnancy, so I'm gonna give you some tablets to take and make sure your eating high iron foods" Dr.Marcel says
"Got it!" Harper says
"And as for your head...your gonna need stitches" Dr.Marcel says
"Really! Are you sure!" Harper says rubbing the back of her head
"I'll send a nurse in" Dr.Marcel says
The nurse then comes in and stitches Harper's head up. She then gets her tablets and they leave. Kelly takes her home and tucks her into bed and Harper falls asleep. Kelly arranges for Mouch and Trudy to take aria for the night. The next morning when Harper wakes up Kelly has gone to work. She gets up and gets dressed then heads down to the firehouse.
"Harper? I told you to stay home!" Kelly says
"I can't stay home! I will kill someone if I do!" Harper says
Then some guy arrives at the firehouse
"Hey I'm Grant Wilson! I'm the fill in for squad 3?" Grant says
"Ahh Wilson! Kelly Severide pleased to meet you!" Kelly says enthusiastically
"And who is this pretty lady?" Grant asks
"Harper Severide" Harper says
"Ahh! Your the person I'm filling in for! May I ask why you left?" Grant asks nicely
Harper then turns around so her belly is showing
"Oh right! Baby number 1?" Grant says
"Number 2" Harper says coldly
"Oh right! Well I'm gonna go get changed! Toodles!" Grant says walking away
"Toodles?" Harper says making a face
"I'm sure he'll fit right in" Kelly says
"Hmm I give it a week" Harper says before walking into the common room

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