Chapter 32- Adjusting to life as Parents!

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It's 2 months later and Harper is heading to the doctors with Aria.
"Are you ready for your two month check up? Yes your are!" Harper says tickling Aria
"Aria Severide!" The doctor calls out as Harper gets up and walks in the room. The doctor then does all the checks and says that Aria is healthy. They walk out and Harper puts Aria in her car seat.
"How about we go see dad at work?" Harper says looking at aria before she drives to the firehouse. She puts aria in her arms and walks in.
"There's my little firefighter!" Kelly shouts taking Aria
"You have one healthy baby girl, the doctors appointment went great!" Harper says as she sits down in Kelly's chair at the squad table
Aria then starts to cry as she is hungry.
"Oh it must be time for her bottle I'll go and warm it up!" Harper says walking into the kitchen. As she is walking in Dawson spots her.
"Where's my little Paramedic?" Dawson says
"She's sitting at the squad table with Kelly" Harper says
"So do you miss us yet Bailey!" Casey asks
"Of course I do" Harper says looking around the room until her eyes land on Bella
"We'll some of you" Harper says
Harper then warms up the bottle and puts some on her arm to check it's not too hot. Harper then walks back out to Cruz holding Aria.
"Do you wanna feed her?" Harper asks
"Are you sure?" Cruz says
"Positive" Harper says handing the bottle to Cruz
She then sits down next to Kelly
"So how's life been without me on squad?" Harper says
"Definitely less stressful!" Capp says laughing
"Haha very funny! How's Lopez been?" Harper asks
"She's still trying to get with Kelly" Cruz says
Just as Harper can respond Aria needs burping so she takes her off Cruz and starts to burp her. Just as Harper finishes chief walks out but doesn't notice Harper
"Kelly I have some news" Boden says
"Yeah chief?" Kelly says
"Someone has applied for Harper's role on squad" Boden says
"What! That spots mine! They can just change it!" Harper says
"Oh Harper I didn't see you there, Headquarters are fine with it but you both have to get interviewed again" Boden says
"What! But I'm a Luitenent!" Harper says
"Which is why headquarters want you on another squad" Boden says
"Who is it? That's going for Harper's job" Kelly asks
"It's umm Bella Lopez" Boden says looking down
"Oh hell no! Here hold Aria" Harper says putting Aria in bodens arms
She then rushes into the common room and stands in front of Bella.
"First you call me a tramp that's fine, Second you try and steal my husband which is okay but still not cool and now your trying to steal my job! That's low!" Harper says angrily
"I just thought that they wanted someone who had more experience and was less of a snake on squad!" Bella says smirking
"I'll have you know that I'm a Luitenent and I'm not the snake you are!" Harper says raising her voice a little bit
"Yeah well, you and your little cow of a child can go back to where you came from" Bella says as Kelly walks in and he hears it
"I'm sorry! What was that!" Kelly shouts
"Oh Um Kelly! Your wife here was calling me a snake!" Bella says not knowing that he heard her
"She has every right to the next time you call my daughter a cow I'll make sure we never see your face in the CFD again!" Kelly shouts
"Whatever!" Bella says walking away
"Don't worry I'll let chief know about her" Kelly says
"I'm umm gonna get going" Harper says with tears in her eyes.
"Harper don't go!" Kelly says
"Oh no its okay, I'm just bothering you guys anyway, and I promised your dad that I would swing by with aria" Harper says taking aria off of Boden and walks to her car
Harper then drives away.
"What happened" Boden asks
"Bella called her all kinds of names and then she called Aria a cow, she also said that no one wants her here and I think it's effecting her more than she is letting on" Kelly says
"I'll have some words with Bella" Boden says walking away
Kelly finishes shift and arrives home. Aria is in her crib and Harper is making dinner.
"Hey I'm home!" Kelly shouts
"Shhh Aria is sleeping, I just got her down!" Harper whispers
"Hey you look tired let me make dinner" Kelly says taking over
"She's been crying for an hour straight and I couldn't get her to settle, then she was up all night last night" Harper says
"Hey if you need help I'm always here" Kelly says
"Your on shift!" Harper says
"Are you sure the Bella thing isn't bothering you?" Kelly asks
"I'm sure, she's just jealous" Harper says
"Well she's definitely not getting the squad job it will be ready for you in 2 months" Kelly says
"Thanks Kelly!" Harper says giving him a hug
"I love you!" Kelly says
"I love you two!" Harper says
Just then Aria starts screaming and Harper runs in. She sees blood all over her crib and notices that a toy robot has broke and aria has cut her hand on it.
"Kelly!" Harper shouts
"What's wrong" Kelly says running in
"I must have left a toy in her crib and it's broke and she has cut her hand on it" Harper says
"Dawson!" Kelly shouts
"Yeah?" Dawson says
"Can you check out Arias hand" Kelly asks
"Sure what happened?" Dawson says picking up Aria
"I left a toy in her crib and she cut her hand on it...How could I be so stupid!" Harper says panicking
"Hey clam down! It's not your fault" Kelly says running Harper's back
"We need to go to med and get this checked out" Dawson says
"Only because she is bleeding heavily" Dawson says
"She's only 2 months she can't have that much blood in her?" Kelly says
"We need to go come on" Dawson says running out the door

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