Chapter 35- Goodbye Kelly!

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"How can you decide something like this without telling your wife first!" Harper shouts
"Ill be home every weekend!" Kelly shouts back
"I was on that squad, it's not all it's cracked up to be!" Harper says
"And what about Aria? She needs her dad here! I don't want you becoming a total stranger to her!" Harper shouts
"I'll be home every weekend and when I can" Kelly says
"I work most weekends Kelly! Yes your will get to see Aria but what about me!" Harper says with tears welling up in her eyes
"Your promised you'd never leave me, remember those wedding vows?" Harper asks
"I know, but it's got great money!" Kelly says
"It's not all about money Kelly! Do you know what I'm done talking about this, I'll make sure your replacement doesn't screw up squad 3!" Harper says
"Harper you are my replacement" Kelly shouts
"What?" Harper says
"I asked for you to become the Luitenent, you've got all the training" Kelly says
But before Harper can answer she can hear Aria crying and she walks out the room
"What was that about?" Dawson asks
"Kelly's leaving" Harper says grabbing Aria and walks away
She takes aria into her bedroom and sits down in a chair.
"What are we gonna do without your daddy?" Harper says to aria
"We need him here don't we?" Harper says with tears rolling down her face. Aria then falls asleep and Harper puts her in her crib
She walks out into the living room where Kelly is waiting for her. Harper sits down next to him and lays her head on his shoulder.
"Who's gonna look out for me on calls?" Harper asks
"You can do that yourself, you don't usually take my advice" Kelly says laughing softly
"I'm sorry for getting so worked up it's just I'm not used to getting this attached to someone" Harper says
"It's all good" Kelly says
It's a month later and Harper has been spending as much time with Kelly as she can. They have went to the park with aria, went to the beach, had a few date nights and just spent time at home. They are driving to the airport and after a short drive they arrive.
"I'm gonna miss you" Harper says sobbing
"I know I'm gonna miss you two" Kelly says picking up aria for a last cuddle
"When will we see you next?" Harper asks
"In about 2 weeks" Kelly says hugging aria
"Do you really have to go?" Harper asks
"Yeah" Kelly says putting airs back in her car seat
"Don't screw up squad whilst I'm gone, I still wanna be number 1 on the ranks" Kelly says laughing through his tears
"Promise you will FaceTime every night" Harper says
"Pinky promise" Kelly says
"Gate 16 now boarding" The airport says
"Well this is it, I love you Harper" Kelly says giving her one last kiss
"I'll see you in 2 weeks, I love you too Kelly" Harper says as Kelly walks away
Harper then drops aria off at Bennys and drives to the firehouse. She sits in the car for a second as it feels weird not walking in with Kelly. She then walks in and gets called to bodens office. She walks in and sees Matt sitting down.
"You wanted to see me chief?" Harper asks
"Yes Bailey take a seat" Boden says as Harper sits down
"Congratulations for becoming squad Luitenent!" Boden says
"Thanks chief" Harper says
"How are you holding up? With Kelly being gone"Boden says
"It's gonna be an adjustment but I'm sure me and Aria will be fine" Harper says
"Glad to here it just remember we're all here if you need us" Boden says
"Thanks chief" Harper says with a smile on her face
"You have a candidate starting today" Boden says
"Great! Can I have a name?" Harper says
"It's Justin Miller" Boden says
"Great I'll look for him" Harper says getting up and walking out
She walks out to the squad table but stops at the door and she can hear the candidate talking to Cruz and Capp
"I'm so glad we have that girl Luitenent, I heard that Severide was a total pain and that no one liked him" Miller says
"I wouldn't say that if" Cruz says but Miller cuts him off
"He apparently can't do his job right and leaves his men to die" Miller says
"Justin Miller is that right?" Harper says walking out
"That's me!" Miller says
"Luitenent Harper Severide! Nice to meet you" Harper says
"Wait S-Severide?" Miller asks
"Oh have you met my husband Kelly before?" Harper asks
"H-Husband?" Miller says
"Next time you disrespect my husband I'll make sure you don't step foot near the CFD again you hear me?" Harper shouts
"Loud and clear Luitenent" Miller says scared
"Great so now for your actions you and the rest of squad can clean the rig" Harper says smirking
"Really Miller!" Capp shouts
"Chop chop" Harper says as the boys start to clean squad

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