Chapter 5- Watch your back Bailey

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It's been a couple of days since mollys and it's Time for Harper's second shift. Harper is walking in with Severide as they have become really close since the heart to heart they had at mollys. Harper and Kelly are quickly joined by Casey and Dawson. Casey and Severide walk away to go and get changed but Dawson hangs back.
"Since when we're you and Kelly so close" Dawson says tugging at Harper's arm
"We talked it out at mollys and now he no longer hates me" Harper explains
"That's great" Dawson says with a smile on her face
Gabby and Harper then make there way to the lockerooms and get changed for shift. They both go to the common room and Cruz has made breakfast.
"Oh god who let Cruz in the kitchen" Dawson replies turning her nose up at the food
Harper then starts to fill her plate up with food that Cruz had made.
"Are you sure you wanna eat that, it might be your last time ever eating food again" Dawson laughs
"I'm sure it's not that bad" Harper says as she put some of the food in her mouth
Everyone turned their heads to watch Harper eat it and everyone made a face
"Mmmm that's....ummm great" Harper explains trying to cover up that it was the worst food she has ever tasted
Before anyone could respond "Ambulance 61, stabbing, 25th Avenue" The intercom echoes
Guess that's us" Harper said as she started to run towards the door
Bailey and Dawson make their way to the scene and spot a victim who has been stabbed in the Abdomen and is struggling to breath. Dawson rushes over and puts leads on him as they start to work on him they see someone approaching.
"You can let him die" Some random guy says with a gun pointing towards Dawson
"Hey! Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to leave" Harper shouts confidently
"And why would I do that" The random guy says
now pointing the gun at Harper
"Go on then, shoot me, I dare you" Harper shouts confidently
"Bailey No" Dawson yells with a concerned look on her face
"It's okay Dawson, Is your life really that bad that you would turn to shooting a paramedic, think of the time you would have to do for that, what like life in prison. Unless you have a really good lawyer you might get off with like what 50 years. Now put the gun down now" Harper says trying not to show that she is scared
"I'll be back" The random guy says
"Woah approaching a firehouse with what like 15 men inside that respect me. Bad move" Harper threatens
The man then hesitates and walks away and pulls up his hood. Harper then runs back to the rig and gets the stretcher.
"Let's get him to med" Harper says unbothered about what's just happend
Harper then places the man on the stretcher and loads him into the back of the ambulance and closes the doors. They then arrive at med and are greeted by Maggie.
"What have we got" Maggie asks
"Male in his 30s was shot in the abdomen, when arriving on scene he was struggling to breath but a no point did he code" Harper adds Professionaly
"Treatment room 4" Maggie shouts
After giving the patient over to med Harper made her way back to the rig whilst gabby filled out the paperwork.
"What the hell was that Bailey" Dawson says angrily
"What was what" Harper replied
"The next time you stand up to a man with a gun you let me know. God if your were killed that would have been on me. How could you be so stupid Bailey" Dawson shouts
"Okay" Harper replies
"What no comeback" Dawson says
"I guess not" Harper says looking out the window
Bailey and Dawson then arrived back at the fire house and Bailey ran to the bathroom. The boys in the common room noticed and had a concerned look on their face.
"What's up with her" Casey asks
"We had a call and a man approached us with a gun, Harper stood up to him and eventually made him go away, I may or may not have went all Gabby  Dawson on her in the ambo" Dawson explains
Kelly the gets up and makes his way to the bathroom he finds you splashing water on your face.
"You good, I heard you had one hell of a call" Kelly adds leaning against the door
"Yeah, it's nothing new, Better I get shot than Dawson" Harper says drying her face
Before Severide could say a word Harper was already gone. She was walking out to do some iverntory in the ambo. After a while she noticed something moving in the bushes outside the firehouse so she decided to go and check it out. As she was walking out a man jumped out of the bushes.
"You know what maybe shooting a paramedic was a bit mean but stabbing one isn't" The man says
"Huh what are you" Harper asks
But before she could finish she noticed a knife in her abdomen, she clutched her belly and fell to the floor. The man ran off but Harper had no energy to scream and she was bleeding out fast.

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