Chapter 4-Mollys

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A few hours after shift ended. Harper made her way to mollys. As she steps inside she quickly gets noticed by Herrmann and she goes and joins him at the bar and takes a seat next to Kelly.
"And what is the lady of the night drinking tonight" Herrmann asks
"Umm just a glass of white wine" Harper responds
"Coming right up" Herrmann says as he pours wine into a glass and passes it to Harper
Harper takes a sip and turns to Kelly
"And how is the famous Kelly Severide tonight" Harper asks
"It's Luitenent to you" Kelly replies coldly
"Okay when is this going to stop" Harper says angrily
"When is what going to stop" Kelly asks confused
"You treating me like I'm the black sheep of the firehouse" Harper replies
"You took her job, that was her spot and you took it" Kelly replies with a shaky voice
"Look Kelly I know you were really close to shay but she passed and there's nothing you could do about that" Harper replied
"Yes there was, I could have looked out for her, I could have saved her" Kelly replies raising his voice a little
"Kelly there's nothing you could have done" Harper said trying to calm him down
"Oh what do you know Bailey" Kelly replied
"I know that sometimes we blame ourselves for our best friends deaths and feel like we could have started CPR earlier or continued it for longer" Harper said with tears in her eyes
"Okay maybe I have been treating you horribly, I had no idea what you had been through I'm sorry Bailey" Kelly said apologetic
"So we're good now" Harper said
"Yeah we're good" Kelly said with a smile on his face
After Kelly and Harper have their heart to heart Dawson and Casey walk in and come over to greet Harper and Kelly. Harper turns to Dawson and says
"Is it always this boring in here" Harper said hinting at an idea
"Most of the time it is" Dawson replied
" Hey! I'll have you know that my bar is never boring" Herrmann says
"I guess you have never been to a party in Miami" Harper asked
"Well umm no I haven't but" Herrmann replied
"Well let me show you how we party in Miami" Harper said enthusiastically
"Yasss you go girl" Dawson shouted
Harper walked up to the sound machine and put on her party playlist from Miami. Harper then starts to have the time of her life and starts to dance perfectly. She is then quickly joined by Dawson, Donna and Burgess and they all dance their hearts out. After watching the girls for a second the boys decided to join in which includes Kelly, Matt,Otis, Cruz, Jay, Adam, Capp, Tony and Kevin. Standing there shocked are Boden, Herrmann and Mouch.
"We work with these people and I'm now beginning to think that there phycopaths" Mouch says laughing to himself
"Oh come on guys, let your hair down come dance with us" Harper says enthusiastically
"Yeah come on Cheif, let your hair down" Kelly says laughing
Before Boden can say a word Donna drags him onto the dance floor and gets him to dance. Then Gabby drags Mouch.
"Come on Herrmann" Harper says walking up to him
"No chance am I doing that, this is my place of work" Herrmann says all professional
"Ohh come on, everyone at 51 is dancing apart from you" Harper says
Before Herrmann can say a word Harper grabs his hand and pulls him onto the dance floor and Herrmann absolutely kills it.
After everyone is finished dancing they all slump on their chairs exsausted.
" I'm beginning to like Chicago, I could get used to you guys" Harper says with a big smile on her face
" we're glad to have you" Dawson says putting her hand in Harper's shoulder
Harper the quickly snaps a few pictures and uploads them to Instagram.

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