Chapter 22- The building collapse

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It's been a few weeks since the proposal and Kelly gave Harper the first half of shift off to go and look at things for the wedding. She is at a secret underground flower shop and she is picking out her flowers. She is at the counter making her purchase when Boom! The building collapses. Harper gets knocked out due to something hitting her head. When she wakes up she can see a pillar holding up the roof in the middle of the room but the stairs have collapsed which means no way out. There was about 5 people in the shop including the owner. Harper then spots them all as they start to move.
"Is everyone okay" Harper asks
"What would do know?" This rude man says
"I'm a firefighter/Paramedic on Squad 3 at firehouse 51" Harper replies
"What happened!?" The shopkeeper says looking a little confused
"Hey woah I need you to sit back down you hit your head pretty hard" Harper says
"Are we gonna die down here" A little boy says sitting next to him mum
"Of course not you see I have friends at firehouse 51 and when they see this happen they will come straight away and get us out!" Harper says
"Okay" the little boys says looking worried
"Hey my name is Harper what's yours?" Harper asks
"It's Mason" Mason says
"Do you have any nicknames? At my firehouse we all call each other by our last names so they all call me Bailey!" Harper says
"My last name is Valentine" Mason says
"Well that can be your new name now!" Harper says looking at the mum who looks a little worried
"Hey your gonna be okay and so is Valentine over here" Harper says reassuringly
"Did anyone see where I put my purse?" Harper says looking around for it
"Miss Harper! It's over there!" Mason says
"Thanks Valentine!" Harper says looking through her bag
"What are you looking for?" The rude man asks
"I was off for the first half of my shift and I was heading in straight after, this is my firehouse bag which means my radio is in here" Harper says picking up her radio. She turns it on and tries to get a signal.
"I'll radio over to firehouse 51 first and then I'll see what's going on out there" Harper says. She then manages to get a signal and radios over to Kelly
"Kelly!! Kelly!! Do you copy?" Harper says through the radio but gets no answer
"Okay we have to make a decision. We either radio outside and tell them we are in here or radio over to another firehouse who can then respond?" Harper asks
"Let's take a vote, all those in favour raise your hand!" Harper says and everyone raises their hands
"Okay I'll try my chief" Harper says
"Chief! Chief! Do you copy?" Harper says over the radio
"Bailey? Why are you radioing me?" Boden asks over the radio
"Have you heard anything about a building collapsing?" Harper asks
"Yeah we have it's all over the news, it's has a flower shop underground or something?" Boden says over the radio
"I'm in that flower shop and I have multiple victims!" Harper says before the radio cuts off
"No...No!" Harper shouts
"Miss Harper what's wrong?" Mason asks
"Nothing Valentine! Everything is just fine" Harper says.
Meanwhile back at the firehouse everyone is watching the news.
"How many victims do you think are under there?" Kelly asks
"If there even still alive" Cruz says until Boden walks in.
"Truck, Squad, Engine, Ambo suit up!" Boden shouts
"We didn't get a call chief?" Kelly says
"I did, Bailey just radioed over, she's stuck in that flower shop!" Boden says as Kelly jumps up out of his seat
"Is she okay chief?" Kelly says is a panic
"The radio cut out before I could ask" Boden says
Everyone then suits up and drives to the scene.
Back inside the building Harper is trying to find a way out but hits her head in the process. She takes a breather until her radio starts talking.
"Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 are on scene" Boden says
"Don't worry everyone there gonna get us out" Harper says
"Miss Harper your bleeding!" Mason says
"It's only a little bit, don't worry I'm used to this stuff" Harper says until she notices a man going through a whole in the wall
"Sir you can go back there!" Harper says
"Any why not?" The rude man says
"It's too dangerous that part of the building could collapse at any minuet" Harper says
Just then the building collapses more and Harper gets buried under some rubble.

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