Chapter 18- Supervising Luitenent Bailey and Job offers!

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"Why has he asked to supervise me?" Harper says panicked
"He said that you were one of the best in Miami and he wanted to see if you still were" Boden says
"This can't be happening, Can't you do anything?" Harper asks
"It's out of my hands Bailey!" Boden replies before walking out of the room. After shift Harper heads to the hospital as Kelly is getting home. Harper and Kelly then drive back to their apartment. In the car Kelly notices that Harper isn't herself.
"What's up?" Kelly asks
"Nothing I'm fine" Harper replies
"Don't play games with me I know something is bothering you" Kelly says looking at Harper
"Fine! You know how my old Luitenent" Harper asks
"Yeah the total Jerk?" Kelly replies
"Well I ran into him on shift and he asked what I was doing there and I said that I was acting Luitenent for you and then he obviously said oh I knew you'd never make it. Then I said to him oh I'm actually a paramedic on ambulance 61 and he obviously said I knew girls couldn't be firefighters" Harper says
"Woah that must have been some day" Kelly says
"That's not all of it, Next week he is conning to 51 to supervise me on squad. If I miss something Kelly he will have me gone from the CFD for good" Harper replies
"Don't worry he can't do that!" Kelly says
"He's a captain Kelly he's in with the white shirts" Harper says
"In Miami remember not Chicago" Kelly says just as they arrive at the apartment
"I hope your right" Harper says helping Kelly into the apartment. Standing at the door are Dawson and Casey to welcome home Severide.
It's the next week and Harper has just arrived on shift and she gets told to go to bodens office. As she approaches she sees Casey sitting inside.
"You wanted to see me chief?" Harper asks
"Yes Bailey come on in and close the door!" Boden says enthusiastically
"I've called you both here as you know that Captain Harvey is coming to supervise today. Yes it is mainly on squad but he will be looking at truck as well. I'm gonna need you two to be on you A game to day and be professional" Boden says
"You got it chief" Harper and Casey both say
"Dismissed! Bailey your gonna need to be professional I know  you already know him but act like you don't you hear me?" Boden says
"Loud and clear chief!" Harper replies. Harper then makes her way onto the apparatus floor and stops Captain Harvey and Casey quickly rushed to her side.
"Shall we?" Casey asks
"Do we have a choice?" Harper says approaching Harvey
"Captain Harvey welcome! I'm Matthew Casey Luitenent on Truck 81!" Casey says
"And I'm Harper Bailey, acting Luitenent on squad 3" Bailey says
"I'm aware, have you seen the state of squad 3?" Harvey says
"I'm sorry sir what's wrong with it" Harper asks
"It's Captain and it's filthy! Do you not take care of your truck Bailey?" Harvey says coldly
"I'll tell the guys to get right on that!" Harper says before spotting Kelly. Kelly then approaches them
"Are you Kelly Severide?" Harvey asks
"I am yes!" Kelly says
"Your like my biggest inspiration! You were the youngest man on squad and the Youngest ever Luitenent" Harvey says enthusiastically
"Ahh yes! I see you have met my replacement Harper!" Kelly says
"Yes but she isn't very good at the whole Luitenent stuff you know because she's a girl" Harvey says
Kelly notices that Harper is uncomfortable
"Bailey is one of the best replacements I've ever had, I have actually just recommended her to headquarters for a Luitenent promotion!" Kelly says with a grin on his face
"You have?" Harvey says looking confused
Yeah umm you have?" Harper asks
"She is cut out to be a Luitenent!" Kelly says before walking away
"If you will excuse me I need to go find a chief Boden?" Harvey says
"I'll show you to his office" Casey says guiding him away. Harper then goes to find Kelly and find him in his quarters.
"This is my quarters what do you think your doing in here?" Harper says laughing
"There accually mine!" Kelly says
"Not until your cleared by a doctor there not" Harper says throwing a pillow at Kelly
"Did you actually recommend me to headquarters or were you just saying that" Harper asks
"What did you think I was doing when I left this morning" Kelly says
"But I'm a paramedic Kelly" Harper says
"About that, Headquarters have given me the okay for a 5 man squad once I'm better and I want you to take the 5th spot" Kelly says seriously
"What!" Harper says shocked

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