Chapter 6- Bleeding Out

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It's been about 10 mins since the incident happend and no one has come looking for Harper. Everyone thinks she is blowing off some steam doing inventory. Harper is still conscious but is struggling to breath. Lying next to her is a pile of blood and she has her hand around the knife which is wedged in her abdomen. Just when Harper is about to give up she hears
"Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Single vehicle car accident, 208 street" the intercom says
"Where's Harper" Dawson asks
"Doing Inventory" Severide replies
Truck is first to leave the firehouse and Dawson quickly notices that Harper isn't there. But she can't tell Kelly as he is already in squad. As truck is driving out they notice something on the driveway. Casey asks Otis to stop and he jumps out of the truck.
"That's Bailey" Casey says as he signals Dawson over
"Oh god Bailey" Dawson says as she starts to work on Harper
Kelly then tells the chief to give the call to another firehouse and he runs over to you
"Help her Dawson" Kelly says with tears in his eyes
"Casey drive the rig over" Dawson shouts
"On it" Casey replies
"Don't leave me Harper, Stay awake" Kelly says
"Ohh...s-so your c-calling me Har-Harper now, it m-must be s-s-serious" Harper says with a shaky voice
"Just keep your eyes open" Kelly's says
Harper tries her best to hang out but it just gets too much and she goes unconscious. Dawson loads her up into the rig along with Kelly and Casey drives to Med. They are followed by truck and squad. When they arrive at Med they are greeted by Maggie.
"What have we got" Maggie Said
"It's umm Harper, Harper Bailey. She was stabbed in the abdomen about 30 mins ago but wasn't discovered for 10 mins" Dawson says with tears in her eyes
"Treatment room 1, Dr.Choi and Dr. Halstead you take this" Maggie says
"We need to have a closer look to see if it's hit an artery" Dr.Choi says examining Harper
"We need to get her into surgery" Dr.Halstead says
Dr. Choi and Dr.Halstead take Harper up to surgery and the firehouse waits in the waiting room.
"This is all your fault Dawson, if you hadn't shouted at her then she wouldn't have been doing inventory" Kelly says with tears in her eyes
"Hey Kelly leave it, Don't blame Dawson for this" Casey says angrily
Kelly then punches the wall and goes to get some fresh air outside.
"Maybe it is my fault" Dawson says with tears streaming down her face
"Hey it's no ones fault, let's just focus on Bailey getting better" Herrmann says
An hour later Dr. Choi walks out and everyone stands up.
"She's doing okay, She survived the surgery but she is still in intensive care" Dr.Choi says as he's taking his gloves off
"Can we see her" Boden asks
"Only 2 people at a time, family only but if she doesn't have any then close friends" Dr.Choi says
"She's never mentioned any family, can I see her" Kelly says
"Sure! But just so you should know, this isn't the first time this has happend" Dr.Choi says with a concerned look on his face. Kelly comes into Harper's room and sees her lying unconscious. He comes and takes her hand and watches her for a while. Until the monitor starts beeping
"I need some help in here" Kelly shouts
"She's coding" Dr.Halstead says as he runs in
"She's bleeding internally, we need to get her back into surgery" Dr.Choi says
"Harper" Kelly cries out
But before he can see you they have wheeled you away into surgery.

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