Chapter 30- The name reveal and almost ready to pop!

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"Our baby's name is...." Harper says
"Aria Leslie Severide!" Kelly says enthusiastically
"It's beautiful guys!" Casey says
"I love it Harper!" Boden says giving her a hug
"Now you guys are the only ones that know so you can't tell anyone!" Harper says
"We're telling my dad after shift!" Kelly says
Harper then goes and sits at her her desk and then she notices the pay checks on her desk. She walks into the common room
"Pay check time!" Harper calls out
"Herrmann and Mouch" Harper says giving them there checks
"Dawson and Casey" Harper says handing them there checks and then she hands out eye ones checks. But then Harper notices something
"Kelly did I give you my check?" Harper asks
"No?" Kelly says
"Did they put it in with yours?" Harper asks
"Let me see...No they didn't" Kelly says opening his check
"This was last months wasn't it when I was firefighter?" Harper says
"Yeah, you should have got one" Dawson says with a concerned look on her face
"Don't worry about it I'm sure it will turn up, Dawson your new paramedic starts today her name is Bella Lopez" Harper says before walking away
"Isn't that like your 3rd paramedic this month!?" Casey asks
"Yeah they all quit they said I was too mean" Dawson says sipping on her coffee
"Right" Casey says giving her a look
"Don't look at me like that!" Dawson says hitting his shoulder
Just as Harper walks back in the room Bella appears at the door.
"Umm hey! I'm Bella Lopez, I'm looking for a Gabriella Dawson?" Bella asks
"That would be me! Welcome to 51!" Dawson says
"You all look so friendly" Bella says
"Come on and I'll introduce you to everyone" Dawson says
"This is Luitenent Kelly Severide and he is a Luitenent on squad 3" Dawson says
"It's lovely to meet you" Bella says with a big smile on her face and Harper rolls her eyes
"This is Luitenent Matthew Casey and he is a Luitenent on truck 81" Dawson says
"It's great to meet you" Bella says
"This is Herrmann, Mouch and Otis and they ride on truck 81 with Matt!" Dawson says
"Nice to meet you 3" Bella says
"This is Capp, Cruz and Tony and they ride on squad 3 with Kelly!" Dawson says
"It's great to meet you but isn't it a 5 man squad?" Bella asks
"Yes! That's her over there she's pregnant so she can't ride with them just now!" Dawson says
"It's Bella right?" Harper asks
"Yeah and you are?" Bella asks with a little tone of attitude in her voice
"I'm Harper Severide but people call me Bailey!" Harper says with a smirk on her face
"Oh as in Kelly Severide? Are you his sister or cousin?" You obviously can't be his girlfriend why would someone like him go for someone like you?" Bella says laughing and everyone in the firehouse looks at you and Kelly
"Do you know what I have work to be getting back to, I'll let the Luitenent tell you!" Harper says before walking away rolling her eyes
"Well?" Bella says as she looks at Kelly
"She's my wife" Kelly says looking at the paper
"Oh! I was not expecting that one!" Bella says
"We'll come on and I'll show you to your locker!" Dawson says showing Bella to the lockeroom
"You do realise Harper's gonna kill her right?" Cruz says
"I know, I just hope she doesn't do it in public" Kelly says sighing
It's a few weeks later and Harper is now 37 weeks pregnant and she has a giant bump. Her and Kelly are walking into work
"My feet are so sore!" Harper says
"It can't be that bad!" Kelly says laughing
"Your not the one carrying our daughter so you can shut up!" Harper says as she waddles into the firehouse
As the are walking in Bella catches up with them
"Hey Kelly!" Bella says
"Umm hi" Kelly says back
"Here we go again" Harper whispers to herself
"Oh hey Harper! Didn't see you there" Bella says
"That's kind of hard to believe, my stomachs the size of America!" Harper says
Harper then walks in and sits at her desk out of breath. She then notices papers that she has to give to truck. So she walks into the common room and hands out the papers as she turns to walk back she gets a sharp pain in her stomach.
"You okay Bailey?" Casey asks
"Yeah I'm good" Harper says
Then Matt notices the floor is wet
"Harper your waters have broke!" Casey says
"Oh my god!" Harper shouts
"Where's Kelly and Dawson?" Harper says starting to panic
"There out on a call" Casey says as Harper cries out in pain
"How the Hell am I supposed to get to med!" Harper shouts as Boden comes in
"Oh god Harper come on sit down!" Boden says sitting her down
"Kelly isn't here! And neithers ambo! What am I gonna do" Harper says as she is in pain
"We will take you in truck!" Casey says
"I'm not giving birth in that truck!" Harper says with her nails digging into Bodens hand
"Your not gonna give birth in there!" Boden says
"You never know, I've seen it happen!" Harper shouts
"Truck were going for a ride and I'll radio over to Kelly!" Casey says

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