Chapter 46- Im gonna Die today

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"I had a long think whilst In Miami and I thought that Harper has made a great Luitenent over these past few shifts" Kelly says
"No I can't Kelly that's you squad, you put it together I'm not gonna be in the way of that" Harper says
"Squad 3, truck 81, Ambulance 61, Wear house fire, 18th street" the intercom says
They all suit up and Kelly sits in the back.
"Okay guys this is a red ex building, so I need you all to listen to me and pull out if your told!" Harper says
"Does that count for you Luitenent" Kelly says as he laughs
"Very funny!" Harper says rolling her eyes
As they approach they can see a wear house already up in flames with loads of victims inside. They get out of the truck.
"Okay squad 3 take the bottom floor, truck take the top and ambo set up a triage" Boden shouts
"On it! Okay Tony and Cruz with me we will take the left side, Capp with Kelly and you will take the right side" Harper says
"You got it Luitenent!" Kelly shouts
They all mask up and run in. Harper, Cruz and Tony split to go and do a search. Harper can see a man buried under rubble so she sends Cruz and Tony out with other victims. She finally manages to get him out and gives him to Casey to take out.
"I'm stuck, I need help chief" Mouch says through the radio
"I've got him chief" Harper says through the radio
Harper runs upstairs and spots Mouch in a room with his foot caught under some rubble. She digs him out but doesn't realise that the fire has surrounded them and that there is no way of getting out. Harper tries different ways to get out but nothing works.
"There's no way of getting out!" Harper says
By this point Harper and Mouch are thinking the same thing. That there gonna die in this fire as the radios have no signal. Harper lays down on the ground next to Mouch and holds his hand.
"Thank your for everything Mouch" Harper says
"Thank you Bailey" Mouch says
"No you have given me a shoulder to cry on whenever I needed it and you have watched Aria so many times for me" Harper says
"And you gave me a reason not to quit the CFD, before you started I was in a bad place and messing up all the time, but when you came it was like I had to show someone that I'm better than that" Mouch says
"Well I think that your an amazing firefighter and I couldn't have got my luitenetcy without your help" Harper says
Meanwhile outside no one has really noticed that Harper and Mouch aren't there. Until Kelly notices
"Hey chief!" Kelly shouts as Boden turns round
"Harper's not here!" Kelly says
"Neither's Mouch!" Casey shouts
"I can't let any men back in there!" Boden says
"The buildings gonna go at any minute!" Boden says
"We can just leave them in there!" Cruz shouts
*Back inside*
"I don't wanna die Mouch" Harper says
"Neither do I but at least we're going to go together" Mouch says gripping Harper's hand tight
"Platt is going to miss you" Harper says
"And Kelly and Aria are gonna miss you" Mouch says
"How is Kelly going to explain to her that her mum isn't coming home again" Harper says
Just then the building explodes!
"Bailey! Mouch! Do you copy?" Boden says through the radio

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