Chapter 57 - First Call

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Harper suits up and jumps in the truck. They drive to the scene and see a two story house on fire. They jump out the truck.
"Squad take the top floor for a primary search!" Boden calls out
"Got it chief! Cruz and Tony your with me we will take the left side and Capp and Bailey take the right side!" Kelly shouts
"Yeah umm got it" Harper says before hesitating to run in
"Bailey! You coming??" Cruz says
"Oh umm yeah" Harper says running in
They run in and run upstairs. Capp takes one room and Harper takes another one.
"Fire department call out!" Harper shouts
"Hello!" A little girl calls out
Harper then openes a closet door to find a 5 year old girl sitting inside
"Hello! Do you wanna come with me?" Harper say but the little girl doesn't move. Harper then takes off her mask
"My name is Harper! What's your name?" Harper asks
"April" April says shyly
"That's a beautiful name! Now April can you come with Harper and we can get out of here?" Harper says putting her hand out as the little girl takes it
Harper puts her mask on the little girl and carries her outside. She then carries her over to Dawson whilst coughing
"This is my friend April, she was in the fire. Could you check her out!" Harper says whilst coughing
"Yeah okay Bailey?" Dawson asks
"Yeah just need some water" Harper says running back to the truck and grabbing some water
She still continues to cough whilst drinking the water. She hops in the truck and they drive back to 51
"Are you sure you haven't got a disease?" Cruz asks
"Yeah cuz that means you and Kelly are contaminated" Capp says
"I'm sure that I'm okay" Harper says
"And I will be out of there as soon as she's not Capp! Don't worry!" Kelly says laughing
"What do you guys want for lunch?" Cruz asks
"Chicken salad sandwiches!" Capp says
They arrive back at 51 and Cruz starts to make lunch.
"Lunch is ready!" Cruz shouts as everyone grabs a plate. Harper walks in last and sees the chicken salad and feels the need to vomit. She puts her hand over her mouth and runs to the bathroom again. Dawson sees her and follows her. She finds Harper throwing up in the bathroom. Dawson holds her hair back
"You didn't have morning sickness with Aria?" Dawson says
"I don't know why it's so bad! I haven't eaten all day!" Harper says wiping her mouth
Kelly then walks in
"Morning sickness?" Kelly says confused
"Oh no!" Harper whispers to gabby

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