Chapter 39- Kellys Back!

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"Hey" Kelly says trying to give Harper a hug before she stops him
"What one of them called you?" Harper says
"It was me" Boden says
"I told him to" Dawson says
"It was a group decision" Herrmann says
"I told you all I was fine!" Harper says walking away
Harper then sits in the common room and she spots Lopez
"See what you've done! If you had just kept you mouth shut then I wouldn't be in this position in the first place!" Harper shouts
Everyone comes running in
"Harper don't" Kelly says
"Yeah why don't you listen to your husband, your just making yourself look more pathetic than you already are!" Lopez says
"You know what I'm done! I'm done with everyone asking me if I'm okay!" Harper shouts
"Aww look at poor pathetic Harper making everything about her!" Lopez shouts
Harper then turns to chief
"Permission to leave shift" Harper says
"Are you" Boden says before Harper cuts him off
"Permission to leave shift" Harper shouts
"Granted!" Boden says
Harper walks out as Dawson follows her
"Don't even think about following me!" Harper says as she gets in her car and drives off
"What have we done?" Dawson says
"I'll talk to her" Kelly says
Harper is sitting on a bench over looking the water and she hears someone come over
"Tell me what's been going on" Kelly says sitting down next to her
"I thought I could do it Kelly, juggle the whole single parent thing but I can't" Harper says
"They shouldn't have called you! You love it over there!" Harper says
"Hey it's okay, I go back tomorrow so I'm yours for the whole day" Kelly says
"I feel so stupid, every mum out there could handle something like this and here I am having a breakdown" Harper says with her hands over her face
"Hey! Every mum doesn't work 24 hour shifts or have some like like Lopez to deal with" Kelly says
"Thanks for coming Kelly" Harper says
"No problem" Kelly says back
It's a few days later and Kelly has flown back to Miami and Harper is heading in for shift. Her fist one after the incident. She walks in and gets changed and goes straight to her quarters as she can't handle anyone right now. She's in there for a good hour until she gets hungry
"Well it's time to face the music" Harper says to herself
She walks out into the common room and starts to cut up and apple. She then sits down on the couch next to Mouch.
"Hey! It's good to have you back" Mouch says stealing an apple
"I'm sorry Mouch, for everything the past few days" Harper says
"Hey it's okay, you were struggling we get it" Mouch says
"I know but I feel like I've let everyone down" Harper says
Mouch then pulls her in for a hug.
Later on Harper calls everyone to the meeting room and everyone sits down as she stands up front
"I just want to say how sorry I am for the past few days. I've treated everyone like crap and no one deserved to be treated like that. I was struggling and didn't want anyone to know because all mums out there are strong" Harper says with tears welling up in her eyes
"If you can't forgive me that's totally fine and I'll put in a transfer request to another house if you don't want me here any more" Harper says
"I think you should transfer, I mean you have treated us all like crap when we were trying to help you" Lopez says
"Hey! That's enough! I can speak for the whole of 51 when I say this! Any day wee would pick Harper over you. You have made her life a living hell and she doesn't deserve it!" Dawson says
"So that's why I want you out of the firehouse within the next hour! Your done!" Boden says
"What!" Lopez says
"I've done nothing wrong!" Lopez cries out
"Guys you really don't have to" Harper says quietly
"You will pay for this!" Lopez says wallowing out

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