Chapter 36- Life without Kelly

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"That rig better be spotless guys!" Harper says as she walks out
"Pretty good" Harper says as she inspects is
"Hey Luitenent!" Cruz says
"What is it Cruz?" Harper asks
"Is anything bothering you it's just you seem kinda on edge" Cruz says
"Nothing bothering me, I'm fine" Harper says walking back in
"Harper!" Dawson says
"Yeah?" Harper says turning around
"Bennys here" Dawson says
"Oh thanks Dawson" Harper say running out
"Benny?" Harper says confused
"Something came up I can't watch Aria" Benny says giving aria to Harper
"I'm sorry" he says running away
"Benny!" Harper shouts but he's already gone
She then walks back into the common room with Harper
"There's my little best fiend!" Cruz says taking Aria from Harper
"Why is my little paramedic here?" Dawson says
"Benny had to go deal with something and now I have no one to watch her" Harper says
"I'm sure you will find someone" Dawson says
"Dawson it's 8pm! Who's gonna watch her?" Harper shouts
Harper then walks away to make some phone calls.
"Okay kellys sister can take her but only in the morning" Harper says panicking
"Don't worry Bailey! She can stay here tonight!" Chief says
"Are you sure?" Harper asks
"Positive" Boden says
"Thank you chief!" Harper says enthusiastically
Harper then makes her way to her quarters but she can hear someone talking in the locker rooms and it sounds like Miller and Lopez.
"I mean how unprofessional like a Luitenent bringing their child into work" Lopez says
"I know and I bet she isn't even a good Luitenent!" Miller says
"Not to mention how ugly the thing is" Lopez says laughing
Harper the walks in
"Everything alright in here candidate?" Harper asks
"Yes Luitenent!" Miller says
"Great because the next time you question my leadership you will be out of here as fast as a flash and as for you" Harper says pointing to Lopez
"Next time you call my child ugly will be the last time you ever see the CFD you hear me?" Harper says
"Yeah I guess" Lopez says
Harper then walks into the common room
"You need to get that little partner of yours under control!" Harper says looking at Dawson
"What?" Dawson says confused
"She's in there talking crap about me and Aria with Miller!" Harper shouts
"Okay honey calm down! I'll talk to her" Dawson says getting up just as Aria starts crying
"She must be tired" Harper says taking Aria off Cruz
"I'll take her to bed" Harper says and she walks to her quarters
An hour later and Aria is still crying
"Come on Aria please! Not tonight!" Harper says but aria doesn't stop
"Please come on! Shhh!" Harper shouts
Everyone is in there bunks
"Can you like turn that thing off please?" Lopez says
"Yeah it's kind of annoying" Miller says
"Leave it out guys she's trying her best" Herrmann says. It's been 20 mins and aria is still crying and Harper has just given up so she goes for a walk on the apparatus floor. She can hear someone approach
"You okay kid?" Herrmann asks
"Yeah umm" Harper says wiping her tears
"I just thought that I would come out here to save waking you all up" Harper says
"Come here" Herrmann says giving her a hug
"I didn't think it was gonna be this hard without Kelly" Harper says with tears rolling down her face
"It will get easier I promise you look tired how about I take aria?" Herrmann asks
"No it's okay she's my kid I'm gonna deal with her" Harper says
"Okay if your sure" Herrmann says
"Iam and thank you Herrmann" Harper says as he walks away
It's finally the morning and Harper has gotten about an hours sleep. Kelly's sister Katie is here to pick up aria. She takes Aria and drives away. Harper then walks into the common room and sits down next to Mouch and rests her head on his shoulder.
"You look rough" Mouch says
"Aria chose not to sleep last night but it's nothing a little coffee won't fix" Harper says
"Me and Trudy are happy to take aria when ever you want" Mouch says
"Thanks Mouch it means a lot" Harper says
"Is that brat gone yet?" Lopez shouts
"Excuse me?" Harper says standing up
"I said is that little brat gone meaning your child!" Lopez says
Harper can feel the anger building up inside of her until she finally loses it.

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