Chapter 56 - Back to work

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Harper is driving to work alongside Kelly. She knows that she is 10 weeks pregnant but hasn't told Kelly yet. She is planning on telling him later that night but she can't keep a secret so she is planning to tell Dawson at work. They get out and walk up it's a bittersweet moment as Harper knows that Mouch won't be inside waiting on her. They get changed and Harper drags Gabby into the bathroom
"I need you to shut your eyes and put your hands out!" Harper says
"Okay?" Dawson says confused
Harper then puts the pregnancy test in Dawson's hands
"Open!" Harper says nervously
Dawson looks at the test and smiles
"Omg! Yasss! Arias gonna be a big sister!" Dawson says giving Harper a big hug
"No one knows yet! Not even Kelly so keep your mouth shut!" Harper says laughing
"I won't tell a soul!" Dawson says
"I've got an appointment today but I have to sneak out without Kelly seeing me" Harper says
"I'll cover for you! Don't worry!" Dawson says
"Okay thanks!" Harper says as Kelly's asks in
"Hey! What are you all talking about" Kelly says kissing Harper's forehead
"Ohh umm just about how Harper is going to be 30 next week!" Dawson says
"I know your getting old sweetheart!" Kelly's says laughing
"I know! And hey your 30 in 2 months!" Harper says hitting Kelly's arm
"Still 2 months!" Kelly says
They all then walk into the common room and Harper looks at Mouchs spot on the couch. She sits in it and makes herself comfy. Cruz is cooking eggs for breakfast and when Harper smells it she needs to vomit. She puts her hand over her mouth and runs to the bathroom
"Harper?" Kelly says running  after her
Harper is throwing up in the toilet and Kelly comes and holds her hair back
"It's okay" Kelly says rubbing her back. Harper then wipes her mouth and stands up
"Sorry Kelly I don't know what came over me" Harper says
"Are you sick?" Kelly says putting a hand on her forehead
"I'm not sick, I've not eaten all morning so that's probably why!" Harper says
They walk out and back into the common room
"Hey two feet away! I'd not want your disease!" Cruz says spraying something to kill germs
"Yeah! If you get the whole of squad sick we will never forgive you!" Capp says
"Okay! I'll sit out front!" Harper says putting her hands up and walking out
"Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambulance 61, house fire, 23rd south street" the intercom says

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