Chapter 26- The wedding Part 2

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It's now Casey and Bodens turn to do the best men speech.
"As you all know I have been the chief of this firehouse for as long as I can remember. When Harper fist came to 51 Kelly was going through a rough time with losing one of our own Leslie Shay. Kelly was going to Vegas every weekend and just didn't have a care in the world. When he met Harper everything changed it was like he fell head over heels for her" Boden says and everyone laughs
"Harper and Kelly as Boden said had chemistry with each other from day one. It was like Harper was the last piece to making Kelly's heart full. Yes they may fight over the stupidest things and disagree on calls but they always overcome it. Everyone here at 51 Is delighted that you two have tied the knot so with the help of Otis we made a video to commemorate your love story" Casey says putting on the video. The video shows all of the things they have been through together like Harper getting stabbed, Kelly getting stabbed, Harper's apartment going on fire, The proposal, Harper getting a place on squad , Harper getting stuck in the flower shop and finally the wedding. The video brings tears to Harper and Kelly's eyes. Then Harper stands up to do a speech.
"I want to thank everyone for coming and putting together this lovely wedding for me and Kelly. I came to Chicago with a giant weight on my shoulders due to my best friends death. When I first walked into 51 Kelly and Matt made me feel so welcome obviously after they checked I wasn't a murder" Harper says and everyone laughs
"I had never really felt at home anywhere before as my old firehouses didn't really have a homely feel to them. I'm so thankful for everyone at 51 for always looking out for me like when Dawson and Casey opened up their home to me when I had no where to go, when chief Boden always supported me through everything and When my partner on ambo helped me make my move to squad. You guys really are the best family that anyone could ask for, so that's why I have made the decision to stay on squad 3" Harper says as everyone is cheering and she sits back down
"You were great up there!" Kelly says holding Harper's hand
"It's time to cut the cake!" Dawson shouts
They both walk over and just as they pick up the knife
"Squad 3, Truck 81, ambulance 61, Train derailment, 67th street" The intercom says
"How am I gonna get out of this dress in time!" Harper says panicking
"I'll ride with squad and you take my car!" Boden says throwing Harper the keys
"Are you sure chief?" Harper asks
"Positive Bailey!" Boden says as he climbs in the truck
Harper then runs and gets out of her dress as quickly as she can and puts on her uniform. She jumps in chiefs car and drives to the scene. She then runs over to Kelly
"What have we got Luitenent?" Harper asks
"A train derailment, multiple victims inside but we can't get the medics in there as it's too unstable for them" Kelly says
"We need to stabilise the train but someone needs to be in there with medical experience" Kelly says
"I'll go!" Harper says
"What?" Kelly says confused
"I'm a paramedic remember, you stabilise the train and I'll go in and take care of the victims!" Harper says running toward the train
"Be carefull Bailey!" Kelly shouts
"You got it Luitenent!" Harper says before climbing in the train. Harper then gets in the train and she can see 3 people with head injuries who are unconscious. 2 people with leg injuries who are conscious and at least 5 people who are beyond saving.
"What have we got?" Kelly says over the radio
"A total of 10 victims, I've got 3 with head injuries who are unconscious but breathing, I've got 2 people with lacerations to their legs and are conscious and breathing and about 5 people who are beyond saving" Harper says
"Are they stable for now?" Kelly asks
"Yeah but we need to get them out quick or they could bleed out" Harper shouts
Harper then runs over to the conscious victims who are a little boy and a mum.
"Hey guys my name is Harper what's yours?" Harper asks
"My name is Amelia and this is my son Jacob" Amelia says
"Can you two tell me where it hurts?" Harper asks
"In my leg and Jacob says it hurts in his leg two" Amelia says
"Okay let me take a look!" Harper say looking at the leg
"So where we're you guys heading?" Harper asks
"We we're going to my daddy's house!" Jacob says
"Wow what's your dads name?" Harper asks
"It's Kelly!" Jacobs says
"Wow my husband is called Kelly!" Harper says
"That's so cool!" Jacob says
"So when did you marry your husband?" Harper asks
"About 8 years ago!" Amelia says
"Wow that's a long time!" Harper says
"When did you marry yours?" Amelia asks getting breathless
"It's actually my wedding day today, I got married at my firehouse as I couldn't get the same shift off as my husband, He works at the same firehouse as me" Harper says smiling
"Sorry to interrupt you big day" Amelia says
"Don't worry about it I'm not a big fan of weddings anyway" Harper says laughing
Just as Harper says that the train collapses more and she losses her balance.
"Kelly the trains gonna go!" Harper shouts through the radio
"You have gotta get out of there Harper!" Kelly says
Harper then looks at Jacob and his mum.
"You better stabilise this train because I've got 5 victims in here and I'm not leaving without them!" Harper says
"Harper as your Luitenent I'm telling you to get out that's an order!" Kelly shouts
"And as you wife I'm telling you I'm not coming out unless it's with my 5 victims!" Harper says
"Harper!" Kelly shouts

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