Chapter 37- Loosing it

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"What have I ever done to you!" Harper shouts
The whole firehouse looks at Harper
"Is it because I married Kelly? Or because I stole your spot on squad?" Harper shouts
"Umm" Lopez says
"My husband is currently over 1,000 miles away, I have been up all night trying to get my daughter to bed! I work 24 hour shifts and only have a couple of people that can watch my daughter! I'm a Luitenent on squad, I run into Burning buildings and so does my husband. Every time I come to work I'm scared that my daughter might not have her parents come pick her up at the end of shift!" Harper shouts with tears streaming down her face
"Well that's not my problem, If Kelly had married me then he wouldn't have to deal with all your crap. I'm just sorry this firehouse has to put up with you! Your so problematic!" Lopez says as Harper's face falls
"Hey Cruz?" Harper says not taking her eyes off Lopez
"Yeah Luitenent" Cruz says
"Do you mind covering for me for like an hour?" Harper asks
"Sure thing" Cruz says as Harper walks out
"Aww look at Bailey always running away from her problems" Lopez says as she laughs
Harper then walks out and sits on a bench just outside the firehouse. She quietly sobs thinking about everything that has just happened.
Meanwhile back inside everyone is giving Lopez a death look
"Don't look at me she's the one who attacked me!" Lopez says sitting down
Boden then hints to Matt and Dawson to come to his office.
"What's going on with her?" Boden says
"No idea chief" Caseys says
"I think it's everything between Kelly leaving and looking after aria, it's just all getting to her" Dawson says
"And Lopez definitely isn't helping" Casey says
"I'll do some digging and see what I can do about her, do you guys have plans tonight?" Boden asks
"No chief why?" Casey asks
"I need you to ask if you can keep aria for the night and let Harper get a good nights rest" Boden says
"I'll ask her when we get home" Dawson says
"Now we still have 10 hours of shift left so I'm gonna need you two to keep a close eye on her" Boden says
"We're on it chief" Casey says walking out with Dawson
Harper then walks back in the firehouse without saying a word and comes and sits next to Mouch. She lays her head on mouchs shoulder and let's a few tears roll down her face.
"You okay?" Mouch asks but Harper doesn't say a word
The rest of shift goes by and luckily squad hasn't got a call but Harper hasn't said a word all day. She then heads to Katie's house to pick up Aria. She collects aria and drives home. When she walks in the door Dawson and Casey are standing there but Harper walks right past them. She sits in her room with Harper then gets a call from Kelly.
"Hey!" Harper says putting on a smile
"Hey Harper!" Kelly says enthusiastically
"Well how was it?" Harper asks
"It's amazing! I love it over here. My whole squad is great and they all have families so we can all relate with each other" Kelly says with a giant smile on his face
"That's amazing Kelly I'm glad you love it!" Harper says
"Well how was your fist shift as Luitenent?" Kelly asks
"It was...Great! We have a new candidate which is not Great but it will work out" Harper says
"That's great! Now can I see my little firefighter?" Kelly says
Harper then puts aria up at the phone and Kelly talks to aria for ages until Harper finally hangs up. She hears a knock at the door.
"Come in!" Harper shouts
"Hey! Umm we were wondering if we could watch Aria for you tonight" Casey asks
"Really? Are you sure?" Harper says
"Of course we're sure!" Dawson says picking up aria
"We're gonna have a great night aren't we?" Dawson says to aria
They then walk out and Harper gets changed into her favourite pyjamas. She lays her head down on the pillow and just lets it all out. After a while she falls asleep. She wakes up in the morning to a note from Dawson that says "gone to park with Aria! Won't be back for a while! Take some time for yourself! Love Matt and Gabby!"
"They really are the best" Harper says to herself
Harper then goes to the gym and get ready. She is sitting on the couch until she hears a knock at the door. She answers it and she recognises the people straight away.
"Maya!" Harper says hugging her
"Harper!" Maya says
"What are you doing here?" Harper says
"Well I made the promise to Ellis didn't I? To never loose touch and I felt my self loosing touch so here I am!" Maya says
"Yeah here you are!" Harper says putting on a fake smile

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