Chapter 42-Getting the call

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It's a few weeks after Arias birthday and Kelly has flown back to Miami. Harper is on shift and doing some paperwork in her quarters.
"Squad 3, Person trapped, 65th south street" The intercom says
Harper runs out and suits up. They are about halfway there when the truck just stops.
"Tony? Why are we stopping?" Cruz says
"I don't know?" Tony says
"Are we out of gas?" Capp asks
"No 3rd shift only filled it up yesterday" Tony says
"Squad 3 to main" Harper says through the radio
"Go ahead squad 3" Main says
"We're having some problems with out truck so could you send another squad to the call that we were assigned to" Harper says
"Copy that squad! I'll roll over someone to check out your rig it might be a while though" Main says
"Copy that" Harper says
"Look we're right at the water!" Cruz says looking out the window
"Can we get ice cream?" Capp says
"You are all like a bunch of 3 year olds!" Harper says as they boys give her puppy dog eyes
"Fine! But only until we get the call from main" Harper says as the boys jump out the truck
"What do you want Luitenent?" Curz asks
"Let's go for chocolate!" Harper shouts
"Copy that!" Cruz shouts back
"Hi there what can I get for you?" The ice cream man says
"2 chocolate ice creams, one mint and one strawberry please?" Cruz says with a smile on his face
They get the ice creams and sit on a wall over looking the water.
"I can't believe you forced me into this" Harper says looking at the water
"This is the life" Capp says lying on the grass
Just then Harper sees the mechanics come to look at the truck. They look at it but it turns out to need more work down than what they thought.
"Main to Squad 3" main says
"Go ahead Main" Harper says
"We're rolling over a new squad truck for the shift" Main says
"Copy that" Harper says
"We're getting a new squad for the shift" Harper shouts to the boys who are still on the wall
Just then an old and rusty looking truck turns up.
"Squad 1" Capp says
"I swear that firehouse got shut down" Tony says
"Probably for its horrible looking trucks" Cruz says
"I wouldn't moan boys, your gonna be cleaning it when we get back to 51" Harper says laughing
"What!" Cruz says
"Luitenent!" Capp whines
"Hurry up and get in the truck!" Harper says laughing
When they drive into the firehouse everyone looks at the truck confused.
"Meet the new squad 1 members!" Cruz says laughing
"Tony broke the old truck" Capp says
"I did not!" Tony says
"Did too" Capp says
"Okay boys chill! The truck broke down on the way to the last call, and these 3 year olds made us stop for ice cream" Harper says laughing
"We sat and watched the water whilst we ate the ice cream" Cruz says
"I swear Aria is more mature than them" Harper says sitting down at the squad table
"But Arias only 1" Cruz says confused
"I know!" Harper says laughing
Harper then gets a call from an unknown number. She then answers it
"Hello?" Harper says confused
"Hello, is this Harper Severide?" The person asks
"This is she" Harper replies
"This is Miami general, we have your husband in the ICU" The nurse says
"What" Harper says as her eyes widen and she looks at 51
"Okay thank you" Harper says as she ends the call
"What's up?" Dawson asks
"Kelly's been in an accident, he's in the ICU" Harper says shocked

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