Chapter 47- Is Harper Suicidal?

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"Bailey, Mouch! Do you copy?" Boden says
Harper and Mouch are still lying on the ground and some of the fire has gotten to Harper's leg burning it. Harper looks over at Mouch and notices that he is unconscious and not breathing. She gets up and starts to do CPR
"Chief!" Harper says through the radio
"Harper?" Boden asks
"Put the hoses on the place!" Harper says
"But that will burn you alive!" Boden says
"You've done it before and I was in the building so you can do it again" Harper says before the radio cuts out
Outside Boden thinks about Harper's words and decides to go for it.
"Get the hoses on there!" Boden shouts
Harper takes cover inside and she then hears the hoses on the fire. She is still doing CPR on Mouch. After the fire is out Harper tries to stand up but her leg is too sore.
"Ahh" Harper cries out as she tries to stand up
So she gets back down and continues CPR. She can hear footsteps at the back of her
"Harper call out!" Kelly says
"Mouch call out!" Casey shouts
"In here!" Harper shouts as Kelly and Matt come running in
"Take Mouch! I'll be fine!" Harper says as Casey picks up Mouch
"Your leg!" Kelly says looking at her leg
"I can't walk" Harper says trying to get up
"Here I'll carry you" Kelly says picking up Harper bridal style
Kelly caries Harper out and sits her on the ground.
"Let's get you checked over by a medic" Kelly says
"I'm fine, they need to deal with Mouch first" Harper says
"Harper you can't walk" Kelly says
"I said I'm okay Kelly" Harper says as Kelly walks away
"Hey Casey?" Harper shouts
"Yeah?" Casey answers
"Can you grab me some gauze from the ambo?" Harper asks
"Sure..." Casey says as he runs over and grabs some. He then give them to Harper
"Thanks your a star!" Harper says grabbing them off of him
She starts to bandage up her burns but cries out in pain every time she touches a burn. Dawson notices and walks over
"Let me take a look" Dawson says as Harper puts her leg out
"I'm fine it's nothing" Harper says
"Harper these are 3rd degree burns your gonna need to get them checked out" Dawson says
"Okay fine, just tell Kelly to cover for me" Harper says
Harper then hops into the back of the ambulance and Dawson takes them to Med. Harper walks in and is greeted by Maggie who notices her leg.
"Ohh what happened?" Maggie says
"Me and Mouch got trapped in a burning building and the fire touched some parts of my leg" Harper says
"Okay treatment room 2" Maggie says as Harper hops in
She sits on the bed and a few minutes later Dr.Choi appears at the door.
"Ohh what did we do?" Dr.Choi says looking at the burns
"Me and Mouch were stuck in a burning building with no way out, we were getting prepared to die in that fire. But Boden put the hoses on it and now I'm here" Harper says looking down
"Okay well I'm gonna dress the burns and you should be good to go, I'll be back in a sec" Dr.Choi says
He goes away and comes back, he then dresses the wounds and wraps them up in bandages.
"Just wait here one sec I'll be 2 minutes" Dr.Choi says disappearing out the door
A few minutes later Dr.Charles appears at the door
"Harper!" Dr.Charles says
"Hey Dr.Charles can I help?" Harper says
"I was just wondering if we could have a little chat?" Dr.Charles says sitting down
"Umm sure" Harper says
"So I've heard you have been in tons of these situations like today" dr. Charles says
"Yeah but it's just a part of my job" Harper says
"Yeah but you get the option to pull out don't you?" Dr.Charles asks
"Umm yeah I do" Harper says confused
"But you choose to stay and "help people" in these fires" Dr.Charles says
"Are you suggesting that I'm Suicidal?" Harper asks
"I'm giving you a line for 2 weeks off work, in 2 weeks you can come back and we will see if you need more time" Dr.Charles says
"Okay 1. I'm not suicidal, why would I be suicidal?" Harper says
"Maybe because you grew up in foster care, didn't have a stable home?" Dr.Charles suggests
"Who told you or suggested that im suicidal?" Harper asks
"I don't think it's a good idea to tell you that" Dr.Charles says
"No tell me! Was it Kelly or Boden?" Harper asks
"It was the whole of 51, they came to me and told me that they were worried about you. As you always put yourself in these situations and refuse treatment after words" Dr.Charles says
"Well I can assure you that I'm not suicidal and I will be going back to work" Harper says leaving
Harper then makes her way to the firehouse
"Oh your back?" Herrmann says
"And..." Harper says
"Oh we thought you would umm" Dawson says
"Take the shift off" Casey says
"Or was it because I'm apparently suicidal?" Harper suggests
"Harper your not supposed to be here" Boden says shocked
"Why would I be suicidal! I have a husband and a little girl!" Harper says
"We're just worried about you kid!" Herrmann says
"I put my self in those situations for my victims! Not for any other reason!" Harper says storming out
"I'll talk to her!" Kelly says running after Harper

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