Chapter 33- Being held at gunpoint!

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Harper, Kelly and Dawson arrive at Chicago med where they are greeted by Maggie.
"Are you guys on shift?" Maggie asks
"No it's Harper's daughter" Dawson says
"Go to treatment room 2 and I'll send a doctor in" Maggie says as Kelly and Harper makes there way to the room whilst gabby makes her way back home.
Kelly is sitting on the bed with Aria on his knee and Harper is pacing up and down the room.
"How could I let this happen I mean yes I'm tired but all new mums are tired and I shouldn't have left that toy in there because I knew something bad was gonna happen" Harper says in a panic
"Deep breaths Aria is going to be fine. Most new mums have their husbands to help them it's my fault for not being around enough" Kelly says
"Kelly I go back to work in 4 weeks which means that Aria isn't going to have both of us" Harper says
Just then Dr.Manning walks in
"Hey Harper! I didn't know you had a baby?" Natalie says
"This is aria she's umm 2 months old. She has a laceration on her right hand due to cutting it on a toy and she has lost some blood but not that much and if I didn't leave out the toy then we wouldn't be in this situation" Harper says in a panic
"Let me take a look and you can take a breath" Natalie says looking at Arias hand
"It doesn't need stitches just a little clean" Natalie says as Harper lets out a big breath that she has been holding in
Natalie cleans Arias wound.
"That's you guys good to go home!" Natalie says
"Thanks Natalie!" Harper says
"No problem have a nice night!" Natalie says
It's a month later and Aria is now 3 months old and it's Harper's first day back at work
"Do you wanna ride with me?" Kelly asks
"I've got to drop Aria off at your dads first so I'll take my own car" Harper says packing a bag for Aria
"I'm gonna miss her" Harper says
"So will I" Kelly says
Harper then puts Aria in her car seat and takes her out to the car
"Say bye to dad Aria!" Harper says
"By my little firefighter have fun at Grandpas!" Kelly says tickling aria
"I'll see you at work" Kelly says giving Harper a kiss on the forehead
Harper then drops Aria off at Bennys and heads to work. She then walks into the common room and everyone starts cheering
"My partner in crime is back!" Dawson says
"You literally see me everyday at home" Harper says
"You know I only talk to you so I can see Aria!" Dawson says laughing
"Welcome back kid! How's mum life treating you?" Herrmann asks
"It's treating me well, I'm not too keen on Aria waking up all the time during the night" Harper says
"That's the worst part!" Kelly says
"You sleep through her!" Harper says laughing
Out of the corner of her eye Harper can see Bella rolling her eyes
"Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, house fire, 27 south street" the intercom says
Everyone suits up and heads to the scene. Squad is first to arrive so they put on their masks and walk in. Harper looks in the kitchen, Capp looks in the living room, Cruz is upstairs with Kelly and Tony.
"I don't see a fire?" Capp says through the radio
Harper then walks into the kitchen and sees a man
"Sir are you okay? Are you the one who called us!" Harper asks
Just then the man pulls out a gun.
"Woah sir!" Harper says putting her hands up
"I'm gonna make you pay for killing my wife!" The man says
"I need you to tell your little squad not to come in here or I'll shoot!" The man says
"Okay you got it!" Harper says
"Umm hey guys, don't come into the kitchen" Harper says through the radio
"Aren't you in the kitchen?" Capp says
"Why not Bailey?" Kelly asks
"There's a man with a gun so everyone get out now!" Harper says
"I'm coming Bailey!" Kelly says
"Don't Kelly if you do then he will shoot me just get out please. Aria can't loose us both!" Harper says with tears rolling down her face
Kelly then makes his way outside and tells the chief everything. Chief then calls for backup and the intelligence team arrive.
"What have we got?" Voight says
"A man is holding one of my med hostage" Boden says
"What one?" Antonio asks
"Harper!" Kelly shouts
"We will do our best to get her out!" Jay says
"Don't worry Kelly!" Lindsay says putting a hand on Kelly's shoulder
Inside the man is about to pull the trigger and Harper is sobbing her eyes out.
"Please before you shoot. My name is Harper Severide and I'm a Luitenent. I'm married to that guy I was talking to on the radio his name is Kelly. We have a 3 month old called aria and she is my whole world. I like to bake and I love my job so please think about that before you shoot!" Harper says while sobbing
The man thinks about Harper's words but still keeps his hand on the trigger. Anger then flashes across the mans face and he pulls the trigger!

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