Chapter 51- The first call with Lopez

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Harper then runs out to the rig and notices Lopez in the drivers seat. So she runs to the passengers seat. They drive to the scene and see a man lying on the ground. Harper runs over and Lopez grabs the kit. Harper checks him out.
"It's an overdose!" Harper says
"On what though?" Lopez says
"We won't know until we wake him up" Harper says
"Hand me 5ml of Naloxone!" Harper shouts as Lopez hands it to her
Harper then injects it into the mans arm and a few seconds later he jerks awake.
"Woah! Calm down sir" Harper says keeping him on the ground
"What happened?" The man asks
"We believe you had an overdose, but we're gonna take you to get checked out just in case" Harper says as they load him onto the stretcher. They then put him into the back of the ambo
"You drive" Harper says looking at Lopez
They drop the man off at the hospital and get back into the rig.
"I've never heard of Naloxone" Lopez says
"Well it's a drug that reverses overdoses, have you never responded to one before?" Harper asks
"Well no" Lopez says
"Then listen to your PIC" Harper says
"Your only covering for Dawson" Lopez says all smart
"1.I'm not gonna go there and 2. I was the PIC in Miami for 5 years so I can assure you I know what I'm doing" Harper says as they arrive back at 51
Harper then walks back to Kelly's quarters and as she stands at the door
"Squad 3, truck 81, ambulance 61, hazmat, explosion, 54th street" The intercom says
"You've got to be kidding me!" Harper says running out with Kelly
They arrive on sene and see a wear house on fire that has explosive gasses in it.
"81 get the hoses on the gas tanks!" Casey shouts as they fire the hoses
The canisters are no longer on fire which means that 81 and squad can do a search. They start to bring out victims. Harper has seat up triage and is telling people where to go
"Green tag! Red tag!" Harper says pointing at the victims
Kelly comes running out and Harper checks the mans pulse
"Black tag...he's gone Kelly" Harper says
Casey then comes out limping
"What have you done?" Harper asks
"Oh it's nothing!" Casey says
"Sit down! Or I'm telling Gabby" Harper says
"Fine!" Casey says sitting down
Harper checks out his leg
"You've got a pretty nasty burn on it" Harper says as she dresses it
"How bad?" Casey asks
"Don't worry it's only a 2nd degree burn which means your good to get back to your truck!" Harper says helping him up
"Thanks Harper" Casey says walking away
Harper then loads the last of the people into different ambulances
"Great job out there Bailey!" Herrmann says
It's a few hours later and Harper has been hiding in Kelly's quarters
"You need to go eat!" Kelly says
"I'd rather starve than face Lopez" Harper says
Just then Casey knocks on the door
"Is Harper here?" Casey asks
"Yep" Kelly says looking at Harper
"Hey Casey!" Harper says with a cheesy grin on her face
"Connie is looking for you" Casey says
"Tell her...I got...Kidnapped by...Aliens!" Harper says
"I can't do that!" Casey says
"Yes you can!" Harper says
"I'm not lying for you Harper"Casey says as Harper gets up
"Honestly who let you two be Luitenents!" Harper shouts whilst walking away
"Not a fan of Lopez then?" Casey asks
"I love her I really do but she hasn't left here all day!" Kelly says
"So she hasn't eaten?" Casey asks
"Nope, that's Harper Severide for you!" Kelly says laughing
Harper approaches Connie
"What's up Connie?" Harper says smiling
"The chief commissioner is in bodens office and he wants to see you" Connie says
"Me?" Harper says
"Do you know any other Harper Severides in the firehouse?" Connie says
"I know a Kelly Severide?" Harper says with a nervous smile on her face
"Harper Severide!" The chief commissioner says
"Oh no!" Harper whispers

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