Chapter 58 - Baby No.2 coming in December

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May 2017*
"I'll leave you two to talk" Dawson says walking out
"Well?" Kelly says slightly annoyed
"I'm not doing it here!" Harper says grabbing Kelly's hand and dragging him out.
She drags Kelly into his quarters and sits him on his chair
"Close your eyes" Harper says as she hands him a box. Inside the box is a baby's firefighter costume and a pregnancy test sitting on top. Kelly opens his eyes and his face lights up.
"Really?!" Kelly asks
"Really!" Harper reassures him
Kelly then picks Harper up into a big bear hug
"I've got an appointment in an hour and then I'll come back to shift" Harper says
"That's fine I'll cover for you! Arias gonna be a big sister!" Kelly says with a big smile of his face
"I know! How are we gonna tell her?" Harper says
"We will figure it out" Kelly says kissing Harper's forehead
"Right I need to get to this appointment and then we will tell the firehouse?" Harper asks
"Sounds great!" Kelly says as Harper walks away
Harper then arrives at the appointment and gets told that she is 10 weeks along and the baby looks healthy. She has an ultrasound picture and is on her way back to the firehouse. Harper then comes back and sets up the surprise for the firehouse. She writes new candidate on a card along with baby number 2 and conning in December. She puts it on one of the tables in the briefing room along with her helmet.
"You get Boden and I'll get the rest of them" Harper says
"Got it!" Kelly says as he goes to get Boden
Harper then walks into the common room
"Guys Boden wants to see us, he sounds angry" Harper says as he sees Kelly come into the common room with Boden. They all walk in and don't notice it at first. Herrmann is the first to notice it
"No freaking way!" Herrmann shouts
"What?" Matt says walking over. Then everyone walks over and spots it
"Baby number 2 is coming in December!" Harper shouts
"Congratulations you two!" Boden says bringing Harper into a hug
"Your auntie Gabby can't wait to meet you!" Dawson says talking to Harper's belly
"It's gonna be a boy and he can come to the firehouse and we can teach him how to be a firefighter!" Cruz says enthusiastically
"How long have you known?" Otis asks
"Since about 5 weeks but I wanted to be safe rather than sorry. So I didn't tell Kelly or anyone" Harper says
"But I've just been to the doctors and little firefighter in here is doing just fine" Harper says touch her belly
"Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambulance 61, explosion, 54th street" the intercom says
"Your not going" Kelly says
"One more day won't kill me" Harper says running out

 So I didn't tell Kelly or anyone" Harper says "But I've just been to the doctors and little firefighter in here is doing just fine" Harper says touch her belly "Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambulance 61, explosion, 54th street" the intercom says "Your not ...

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