Chapter 16- Luitenent Bailey

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After shift Harper goes to visit Kelly in the hospital as she approaches the door she says
"Even being shot can't kill you, I'm starting to think that nothing can kill you" Harper says smiling
"You can't say much Bailey!" Kelly says Laughing
"How are you feeling?" Harper says as she sits down
"I've been better" Kelly says
"Casey has filled me in on everything that happened today, Capp is just jealous but as soon as I'm able to I'll knock him out!" Kelly says smiling
"Don't worry, I made him and Tony clean the whole rig today and watched them do it" Harper said laughing
"I know! I heard you got acting Luitenent...Don't be trying to steal my Job now" Kelly says looking at Harper
"Oh don't worry, Being a Luitenent to Tony and Capp is like taking care of two 3 year olds all day. I don't know how much more of it I can take" Harper says laughing
"Now you were meant to take me out on a date tonight remember?" Harper said
"Oh right Umm we might need to reschedule" Kelly says laughing
"I know but you had to go and get shot so...I got us food and a movie that we can watch here!" Harper says bring the food an a movie out of her bag
"Your honestly the best" Kelly says
"Hold on say that one more time, I wanna get that on video!" Harper says laughing
"Just shut up and eat your food" Kelly says. Kelly and Harper start to eat the burgers and fries that Harper has brought and they start to watch the movie. Kelly falls asleep and Harper tries to sneak out of the room.
"Hey where do you think your going?" Kelly says
" It's late and you looked tired so" Harper says
"Okay I'll see you tomorrow then!" Kelly says
"After shift though" Harper says
"Okay I'll see you then enjoy bossing around Capp and Tony" Kelly says
"Okay but you better hurry up and get better or you won't have a squad left" Harper says laughing
"Goodnight Bailey" Kelly says
"Goodnight Severide" Harper says slipping out of the room.
The next day on shift Harper is in Kelly's quarters doing some paperwork and then Connie appears at your door
"Boden wants to see you in his office" Connie says
"Okay thanks Connie" Harper says enthusiastically
Harper then makes her way to Bodens office and sees Casey in there
"You wanted to see my chief?" Harper asks
"Yes come in and close the door" Boden says as Harper shuts the door and sits down next to Casey
"It's been brought to my attention that you and Capp had a bit of a...Disagreement" Boden says
"A disagreement is putting it lightly, but thank you for asking about it but I can handle him" Harper says
"Are you sure I mean" Boden says before Harper interrupts him
"I'm not going to be Luitenent for long am I, Kelly will be back in a few weeks and I'll go back to working with Dawson on ambo" Harper says
"Okay then your free to go" Boden says as Harper stands up
"Bailey!" Boden shouts
"Yes chief?" Harper replies
"Don't let this bring you down!" Boden says
"Copy that!" Harper replies
"Squad 3, Man trapped, 78th street" The intercom says. Harper, Capp and Tony all suit up and go to the call, when they arrive the see a man who is stuck up in a tree.
"Okay our quickest way to save him would be for one of us to climb up there and wrap a rope around  his waist then lower him down onto the air bag" Harper says
"Or we could just call Main and get Truck over here and rescue him with their ladder" Capp says
"Are you disagreeing with me?" Harper asks
"Maybe I am, I just think that it would be quicker to" Capp says before Harper cuts him off
"I'll deal with you later! Tony inflate the airbag and Capp get me ropes" Harper says glaring at Capp. Tony then blows up the airbag and Harper starts to climb the tree, she then wraps a rope around  the man and lowers him down onto the airbag. An ambulance takes the man to med and they make there way back to 51. They all then jump out of the truck and without knowing that everyone is there Harper goes off on Capp.
"You can hate me every day of the week but you never take that onto calls do you hear me? Iam your Luitenent treat me with respect for once!"Harper says angrily
"I was just suggesting a better way of rescuing him!" Capp says back raising his voice a little
"Well I had already made the call, Iam doing squad a favour here! If I didn't do this then you would be short handed and DONT YOU EVER RAISE YOUR VOICE WITH ME AGAIN! GOT IT?" Harper says angrily
"Loud and clear Luitenent" Capp says before storming off. Harper then rubs her temples and makes her way to the bathroom. When she arrives she just breaks down with all of the stress between Kelly and Capp.
"Hey you okay?" Dawson asks
"How can Matt and Kelly do this!" Harper asks
"Squad had no problems before me, Maybe I'm not cut out for the CFD..." Harper says sadly

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