Chapter 44- Moving out of the ICU

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Harper then walks into the ICU to find Kelly's room empty. She starts to panic and runs over to a nurse
"Umm Kelly Severide? Do you know here he went" Harper asks with tears in her eyes
"Oh he was moved out of the ICU and hour ago, he's in ward 6" The nurse says
"Thank you" Harper says letting out a big breath
She goes down to ward 6 and sees Kelly sitting up awake in his room.
"Hey stranger" Harper says leaning against the door frame
"Hey!" Kelly says as Harper sits down on a chair next to the bed
"How are you feeling?" Harper asks
"I'm fine Harper" Kelly says
"Well you did get trapped under a roof so..." Harper says laughing
"And so did you back in Chicago and your still here" Kelly says
"There all worried about you" Harper says
"Tell them not to be" Kelly says holding Harper's hand
"I was at your firehouse" Harper says smiling
"Really?" Kelly says confused
"Yeah it was nice seeing everyone again, it's a whole new squad thought. But I got to see my old chief and Maya" Harper says enthusiastically
"That's great, I really like it over here" Kelly says looking at Harper
"I know you do" Harper says
"Oh I forgot to tell you! Aria said her first word last week!" Harper says getting out her phone
"What was it? Dada?" Kelly says
"Mama actually" Harper says showing Kelly the video
"She's the cutest, I've really missed my little firefighter" Kelly says
"And she has missed you two" Harper says putting her phone away
"So how long are you here for?" Kelly asks
"I could only get 4 days off, I fly back in 2 days" Harper says looking down
"Hey it's okay, I know it's hard finding a Luitenent to cover squad" Kelly says
"I know but I just wish I could stay longer" Harper says
"Well your here now aren't you" Kelly says
"I know but when I get back, that candidate Miller is coming back" Harper says rolling her eyes
"Ohh im glad I'm not Luitenent anymore" Kelly says laughing
"I know I hate candidates, they never know what they're doing" Harper says putting her hands over her face
"Oh here! I brought you this" Harper says pulling out a picture of her and aria
"Aww my 2 ladies!" Kelly says putting it on his bedside table
"Visiting time is over miss" the nurse says
"Oh okay! Ill see you tomorrow" Harper says as she kisses Kelly's forehead
"Where are you staying?" Kelly says
"I've got a hotel room" Harper says
"Stay at my place" Kelly says giving Harper his keys
"Okay I'll see you tomorrow Love you!" Harper says
"Love you too!" Kelly says as he watches Harper leave
The nurse then comes into Kelly's room
"Aww is she your girlfriend?" The nurse asks
"Wife actually" Kelly says
"And who is this lovely lady?" The nurse says pointing at the picture
"That's my little firefighter Aria! She's 1" Kelly says smiling
"She's the cutest" The nurse says
" I know!" Kelly says smiling even more
Harper then arrives at Kelly's place. She puts her keys on the table and looks around. He has pictures of her and Aria everywhere. She then gets changed into some pyjamas and climbs into bed.
The next morning Harper gets dressed and drives to the hospital.
"Hey Kelly!" Harper says
"Morning!" Kelly says
"I have some news?" Kelly says
"Yeah?" Harper responds
"They have asked me to stay permanently" Kelly says
"What!" Harper replies

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