Chapter 38- Breaking Point

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"Come in!" Harper says
They both then walk in and sit on the couch.
"I haven't seen you since...well you know" Maya says
"You can say it his death" Harper says
"Well tell me what's been going on here" Maya says
"Well I'm im now Harper Severide, my husbands name is Kelly" Harper says
"Wait Kelly Severide? He's the new Luitenent on squad 8 right?" Maya asks
"Yeah he is" Harper says looking down
"Continue!" Maya says enthusiastically
"Well I'm now a mum to a gorgeous 5 month old called Aria who's out with her godparents just now" Harper says
"That's lovely, are you still the PIC here or?" Maya asks
"Umm in accually squad 3s Luitenent" Harper says
"Oh my god! I had no idea! Congratulations! When did you get your promotion?" Maya says
"Oh well I was out wedding shopping and I was in a building collapse and I had to take charge and then headquarters promoted me" Harper says
"So what's been up with you?" Harper asks
"I'm the Luitenent on truck 65" Maya says
"Look Maya I'm not dumb, I know you work at the same house as Kelly. I know your not just here for a catch up" Harper says
"Okay fine Kelly sent me, he was just worried about you!" Maya says
"I'm fine okay? If anything was wrong Kelly would be the first to know!" Harper says as Matt and Gabby walk in
"Oh didn't realise you had company" Matt says
"Guys this is Maya Smith she was married to Ellis and she is Luitenent on truck 65. Maya this is Gabriella Dawson my old PIC on ambo and this is Matthew Casey Luitenent on truck 81" Harper says
"It's lovely to meet you" Dawson says
"You too, well I best be going. It was nice catching up Harper" Maya says walking out the door
"What was that about?" Casey asks
"Okay who called Kelly?" Harper asks
"It was chief" Matt says looking at the ground
"I've told you all I'm fine!" Harper says
"We're just worried Harper!" Casey says
"Well you don't have to worry about me! Thanks for watching Aria" Harper says picking up aria and walking into her room
It's the next day and Harper has just dropped aria off at Bennys and she is heading into shift. She walks into the locker room and gets changed. She then grabs a coffee and sits down at the squad table without say sing a word to anyone.
"Hey Luitenent" Tony says as Harper looks up
"We need fuel" Tony says
"Okay tell squad to suit up" Harper says getting in the truck
They drive to go and get fuel and come back to the firehouse where Boden is waiting on Harper.
"What can I do for you chief?" Harper says getting out the truck
"Just a little check in, how are you?" Boden says
"I've not been in the common room all shift as I'm avoiding anyone who can ask me if I'm alright because it's always the same answer and yes I'm fine" Harper says
"Right okay" Boden says as he walks away
"Lunch is ready!" Cruz shouts
Harper then makes her way into the common room and grabs some food that Cruz has made
"Hey Bailey! Come sit with us!" Dawson says
"I've got a bunch of paperwork to do" Harper said looking at Lopez
"And I've just lost my appetite" Harper said putting her plate down
Harper then walks into her quarters let's out a big sigh and gets on with some paperwork.
"Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Person Trapped, 78th street" The intercom says
Everyone suits up and squad is first to arrive on sene which means that Harper is taking charge. When they arrive they see a boy who is hanging from a roof.
"Okay! Cruz grab a ladder to get us up there, Tony your coming up with me and Capp inflate the air bag just in case" Harper shouts
Harper and Tony make there way up the ladder and Harper greets the boy
"Hey there my names Harper! What's yours" Harper says
"It's Jack" Jack says
"Okay hi Jack! Are you hurt anywhere" Harper asks pulling him up
"My head is throbbing!" Jack says
"Okay did you hit it at all?" Harper asks
"I don't think so" Jack says
Just as Harper pulls Jack up she notices a giant cut on the side of his head
"Capp I'm gonna need a neck collar up here!" Harper says through the radio as Capp passes one up
Harper protects the boys neck and radios over to Dawson.
"I've got a head injury coming down, calmed to have never lost consciousness but is still a little confused about where he is. I think he has a concussion" Harper says through the radio as squad gets him down. Harper walks over to the ambo
"This is my friend Jack, he is 14 years old, he's breathing normally and never lost consciousness for the time that I was up there however I believe that he did upon arrival" Harper says
"Umm go back to your squad we will deal with this!" Lopez says
"Just giving you the heads up wouldn't want you to miss anything!" Harper says walking back to squad
They arrive back at the firehouse and everyone is waiting for them
"What's going on?" Harper says as she climbs out the rig
"Someone's here to see you" Casey says
"Who?" Harper asks
"Harper!" Kelly says
"Kelly?" Harper says looking at Kelly confused

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