Chapter 21-The proposal!

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It's the end of shift and Kelly is still talking about the wasp incident.
"How are you scared of wasps yet you will risk your life for a random person?" Kelly asks
"It's different" Harper replies
"How? I for one would rather get stung than run into a burning building!" Kelly says
"It actually hurts if you get stung by a wasp where as if you run into a burning building chances are your not gonna remember it!" Harper says laughing
"Why did I marry you again?" Kelly asks
"Hold up...Did I miss my own wedding?" Harper says looking at Kelly
"Sorry guess I got carried away!" Kelly says looking down
"Don't worry about it, I hate weddings anyway!" Harper says laughing
"But Mrs.Severide does have a nice ring to it" Harper says looking at Kelly
"Any man would be lucky to call you their wife!" Kelly says looking back at her until they get interrupted by Dawson and Casey
"How's the wasp sting?" Casey says laughing
"Hey I could have died today and your making jokes about it...Real mature Luitenent!" Harper says laughing. Then Casey catches up with Severide.
"I've messed everything up" Kelly says
"How come?" Casey asks
"I just accidentally said that Harper was my wife, I had this whole thing planned out of when I'm gonna ask her and where I'm gonna ask her and I've just ruined it!" Kelly says in a panic
"You haven't ruined it, tell me your plan" Casey says
"Well we have a date night planed for tonight and I've booked us in at a really fancy restaurant overlooking Chicago. I've already bought the ring and then we're gonna walk home past the firehouse and I'm gonna stop outside and get down on one knee and ask her" Kelly says
"The firehouse?" Casey asks
"That's where we first met, on her first day of shift." Kelly responds
"I'm gonna have the guys turn on the sirens once she says yes" Kelly says
"I think that's a great plan!" Casey says
Later that night Harper is ready to go she waits at the door for Kelly and they make their way out.
"So what do you have planned for tonight" Harper asks
"It's a surprise!" Kelly says as they drive up to their location
"You didn't!" Harper says
"Oh I did!" Kelly says Enthusiastically
They walk in and get seated and the order there food.
"It's so beautiful up here!" Harper says looking out at Chicago
"Just like you!" Kelly says
"Okay no need to be cheesy!" Harper says laughing
They both eat there food and talk about there days until they pay and head out.
"Why aren't we taking the car?" Harper asks
"I thought we would walk home it's not that far!" Kelly says. After a few minutes they arrive at the firehouse.
"Why are we here did you forget something?" Harper asks
"No I didn't actually" Kelly replies
"Then why are we here?" Harper asks
"Harper" Kelly says as he gets down on one knee
"Oh my god!" Harper whispers
"Ever since I first met you exactly a year ago today I knew that you were special, you always made my day when ever I saw you and I could always tell you what was bothering me. When you got stabbed it hit me that I would be nothing without you. I've enjoyed every single one of our dates and just being around you always makes me laugh even if your scared of wasps. Harper Bailey will you do me the the honour of becoming my wife?" Kelly says with tears in his eyes
"Yes I will!" Harper says with tears rolling down her face. Just then the lights turn on and the whole of 51 are cheering.
"You did all of this for me?" Harper asks
"You deserve it!" Kelly replies
"Congrats you two!" Mouch says
"I can't wait for the wedding!" Dawson shouts
"Let me guess you all knew about this" Harper asks
"All of us except from Cruz, He can't keep a secret to save his life!" Casey says
"I can totally keep a secret! Just not a big one" Cruz says and everyone bursts out laughing
"Congratulations Kid!" Herrmann says pulling Harper into a hug
"Let me tell you married life isn't all it's cracked up to be so now is your chance to back out" Dawson says laughing
"Don't worry I'll keep that in mind!" Harper says laughing. Harper then walks over to Kelly who is talking to Capp
"Did that really just happen" Harper asks
"Hell yeah it did!" Kelly says enthusiastically
"I told you Mrs.Severide had a nice ring to it" Harper says
"Soon to be Mrs.Severide" Kelly says
"I can't wait to plan out our wedding!" Harper says
"With Dawson as my maid of honour!" Harper says
"And Casey and Boden as my best men!" Kelly says
"It's gonna be the best day of our life's!" Harper says
"Omg wait I accually need to plan out a wedding, what is it all goes wrong?" Harper says panicking
"There's my Harper back! It will be fine! I promise!" Kelly says
"I can't wait to marry you Kelly!" Harper says enthusiastically
"Neither can I Harper" Kelly says pulling her in for a kiss

Severide" Kelly says "I can't wait to plan out our wedding!" Harper says "With Dawson as my maid of honour!" Harper says "And Casey and Boden as my best men!" Kelly says "It's gonna be the best day of our life's!" Harper says "Omg wait I accually ...

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