Chapter 10- 14 days

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Over the past few days Harper has been getting ready for her court hearing with the help of 51 and the intelligence unit. Casey has managed to get her a good lawyer and Kelly hasn't left her side in 2 days. It's the morning of the hearing and Harper gets a call from Dr.Choi.
"Hello" Harper says
"Hey Harper its Dr.Choi" Dr.Choi says enthusiastically
"And what do I owe the pleasure of your lovely phone call" Harper says
"I just wanted to say that I don't think it's smart for you to go to court today. You had 2 major surgeries and you have only been out of hospital for 3 days" Dr.Choi says concerned
"You do realise that if I don't make this hearing then I'll be kicked out of the CFD and maybe even go to prison" Harper says frustrated
"I just don't think it's worth risking your health for your job" Dr.Choi says
"You know what...Screw you Ethan!" Harper says angrily before hanging  up the phone and slamming in on the counter.
Harper then gets out of bed and makes herself a coffee. She then heads to her room to get dressed. She puts on a black dress with some black shoes and ties her hair up into a bun. She then turns to a mirror to see how she looks.
"You gonna to great Bailey" Harper says to herself before hearing a knock on the door.
As she opened the door she sees everyone from 51 standing there.
"You guys didn't have to come to this" Harper says looking at them all
"We weren't gonna miss this for the world" Herrmann says putting his hand on Harper's shoulder
"Guys we need to get going" Mouch says
"Let's do this then" Harper says locking her door
They all jump in there cars and drive to the court house. They all walk in and Harper goes to the front with lawyer Arthur Rayside. Shaun then looks at Harper and starts to giggle when he sees the bandage over her abdomen.
"All rise" The guard says as everyone stands up
"Presenting Judge Kirsty Merryweather" the other guard says
"You may be seated, Today we are here for the court hearing of Mr.Shaun Kingsley vs Miss.Harper Bailey" Judge Merryweather says
"Margret fisher you may speak on behalf of your client Mr.Kingsley" The judge says
"Thank you your honour, as you know my client has been accused of stabbing a paramedic outside of a firehouse. Now where were you when you got attacked Miss. Bailey" Margret says
"I was doing inventory in the ambulance" Harper replies
"I see and you the claimed that you heard something in the bushes so you went to investigate is that correct?" Margret says
"That's correct" Harper replies
"Great, so why didn't you go and get someone to investigate it with you" Margret asks
"I had recently had a disagreement with my partner Gabriella Dawson so I figured that she wouldn't want to help me and Squad 3 had a meeting in the common room with chief Boden" Harper says
"What about truck 81?" Margret asks
"Truck were out getting fuel and engine 51 were out on a call" Harper responds
"No further questions your honour" Margret says
"Mr Rayside you may speak for Miss Bailey" The judge says
"Thank you your honour, My client is a paramedic she helps people on a daily basis and saves them from Near death. Now tell me Mr.Kingsley had you met Miss. Bailey before the firehouse" Arthur asks
"I had yes, she came to help my friend who had been shot" Shaun says
"Okay and you pointed a gun at her and her partner" Arthur asks
"I did not" Shun replies
"That's funny because two statements given by Miss Dawson and Miss Bailey beg to differ, Care to change that answer" Arthur said
"Okay I did point a gun at them yes but she threatened me" Shaun replies looking at Harper
"I'm aware of that however she was trying to help a patient who was dying and all she done was tell you to leave when you threatened to shoot her" Arthur says
"Okay yes maybe I did, But at the firehouse she threatened me as well" Shaun says in a panic
"Oh so you did go to the firehouse" Arthur asks
"What no!" Shaun replies breaking out in a sweat
"Well the why do I have a knife that had Miss.Bailey blood on it and your fingerprints on the handle" Arthur asks
"Okay I did it, But she sent one of her firehouse buddy's to beat me up later that night. He slashed my leg" Shaun says
"What! No i didn't" Harper cries out
"Quiet Miss Bailey" The judge says
"That will be all your honour" Arthur says
"After reviewing this case carefully. I'm going to give Mr.Kingsley 4 years in prison for the stabbing of paramedic Harper Bailey. And as for Miss Bailey you are going to get a 14 day unpaid suspension" the judge says
"Case dismissed" The judge says
Harper then let's put a big sigh of relief whilst rubbing her abdomen. The police men come and cuff Shaun and Harper makes her way out. When she walks out everyone starts cheering.
"We knew you could do it Bailey" Kelly shouts
"I've still got a 14 day suspension after I'm cleared" Harper says
"Hey look at the positives girl! You haven't got rid of us yet" Dawson shouts
Harper then snaps a quick picture as they are all in there uniforms and uploads it to Instagram!

 "We knew you could do it Bailey" Kelly shouts "I've still got a 14 day suspension after I'm cleared" Harper says "Hey look at the positives girl! You haven't got rid of us yet" Dawson shouts Harper then snaps a quick picture as they are all in th...

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