Chapter 8- Ill see you in court

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A few days after Harper receives the phone call from Jay she fills the firehouse in on it. Harper is unsure whether to press charges or not so she seeks advice from best friend and partner Dawson.
"Honestly I would press charges, After all he's put you through he needs to go down for this" Dawson says
"I know but Honestly I don't know if I have the energy to fight him, Like what if he takes this to court" Harper replies starting to pick at her fingernails
"If that happens which it won't you have the whole firehouse that will come and support you" Dawson says.
Just as Dawson finished talking Harper noticed someone standing at the door.
"And you've got the whole intelligence team behind you as well" Antonio explains
"Thanks guys, but I just need some time to think about this" Harper replies throwing her head back onto the pillow
"We'll be right outside if you need us" Dawson adds walking out
After hours of thinking Harper finally makes a decision and calls the firehouse into her room.
"I have finally made a decision, I'm going to press charges" Harper announces trying not to make eye contact with anyone
"That's great" Herrmann says
"We will support you with whatever you do" Boden says
"What's this guys name anyway, the one who stabbed you" Dawson says
"It's Shaun Kingsley" Harper adds still not making any eye contact
Kelly quickly notices that Harper is unhappy about something.
"Hey guys why don't we give Bailey some time to rest" Kelly asks
Everyone says there goodbyes but Kelly hangs back.
"You okay Bailey" Kelly asks
"Im all good why" Harper replies shifting uncomfortably in her hospital bed
"You seem...distracted, are you worried about pressing charges" Kelly asks
"It's just what if he chooses to take me to court or what if one of his friends come looking for me, God what if they know where I live" Harper says frustrated
"Hey look at me it's gonna be okay" Kelly's replies
Kelly then kisses her forehead and walks out.
A week goes by since Harper pressed charges and she of finally getting released from the hospital. Kelly came to drive her home. Once they arrive Harper sits down on her couch.
"It's great to be home, Now all I can't wait for is being back in the firehouse" Harper says
"You still have another month to recover and the you still have to get cleared" Kelly says smiling
Just as Harper is about to respond she gets a call from Jay.
"Hello" Harper answers
"Hey it's Jay, how you holding up" Jay asks
"I'm doing great I just got home" Harper responds
"That's great umm now are you sitting down" Jay asks
"Umm yeah why" Harper says with a concerned look on her face
"You know how Shaun Kingsley, well turns out he owns a few businesses in town and he bagged himself a really good lawyer" Jay says
"And" Harper asks
"Well he's denying all the allegations you said about him....He's taking you to court Harper" Jay says
"He's what" Harper says with her face falling

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