Chapter 12-From Ambo to Squad

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"I'm sorry Kelly, I didn't want to worry you" Harper says clutching her abdomen
"ITS A BIT LATE FOR THAT BAILEY!" Kelly says angrily before walking out
"Kelly wait!" Harper says trying to run out to get hun but Dawson grabs her arm
"Let's get you stitched up first" Dawson says sitting her down
"Why am I this stupid Dawson!" Harper says with tears welling up in her eyes
"Hey! Your not stupid" Dawson says finishing up the last stitch on her abdomen
"Kelly sure thinks so" Harper says
"You haven't known Kelly as long as I have, this is how he goes when he blames himself for something. Trust me he will apologise in the morning" Dawson says putting her hand on Harper's shoulder. Harper then walking out without saying a word back to Dawson and lays down in her bunk with tears streaming down her face. As she is laying there she notices Boden walk in and she quickly wipes her tears away.
"Bailey! Just the person I was looking for!" Boden says with a smile of his face
"Oh hey!" Harper says putting on a face smile
"So as you know Cruz is leaving for 2 weeks so that means that squad will be short handed. We can find a replacement however it's come to my attention that in Miami you were on squad 8" Boden says
"Oh umm yeah I was" Harper says
"If you wouldn't mind me asking, could you possibly fill in for Cruz for the next two weeks?" Boden says
"I would love to but have you cleared this with Severide?" Harper says refusing to make eye contact with Boden
"He knows he's getting a new person on squad and I'm sure he will be thrilled to know it's you" Boden says enthusiastically
"Yeah okay then I'll do it" Harper says standing up
"It's settled then, you start next shift. I'll let Dawson know" Boden says as he walks away.
It's time for next shift and Harper is dreading the conversation between her and Kelly. As she walks in she is quickly greeted by Boden.
"Do you want to tell the guys or shall I" Boden asks
"I'll do it if That's okay" Harper replies. She then makes her way into the common room.
"Umm hey guys! Can I say something really quick" Harper asks. Everyone's eyes turn to Harper
"So you may have seen the new paramedic around I think his name is Chout?" Harper says nervously
"Yeah, don't tell me your leaving!" Herrmann asks
"Umm no the thing is I'm joining squad....Surprise!" Harper says enthusiastically
"Don't tell me this is permanent, I can't work with chout for that long!" Dawson says
"It's only until Cruz comes back" Harper replies. Harper tries her best not to make any eye contact with Kelly and doesn't even notice that he had slipped out of the room. As she sits down she finally notices.
"Hey Casey, did you see where Kelly went?" Harper asks whispering
"No I didn't why?" Casey whispers back
"Oh just wondering" Harper answers. Harper then goes to try and find Kelly and she finds him in his quarters. She knocks on the door
"Come in" Kelly says
"Hey Kelly I" but before Harper can finish Kelly interrupts her
"It's Luitenent to you now" Kelly says sharply
"Right sorry Luitenent, I just wanted to say that I know were on bad terms and if you don't want me on squad just say" Harper says looking down at the ground
"Well I mean considering you haven't had much experience I'm not getting my hopes up, you'll probably only last a day" Kelly says coldly
"Okay so we're going back to me being the black sheep of the firehouse then, but I can assure you I've had a lot of experience when it comes to squad" Harper says
"Like I said not getting my hopes up" Kelly says not taking his eyes off his paperwork
"You know what Kelly" Harper says before Kelly cuts her off
"Careful Bailey!" Kelly says looking at her dead in the eye
"No screw you! You may be my Luitenent now but Ill still let you know when your stepping over the line, I'm doing this as a favour remember without me you would be short handed and that's on you not me" Harper says before slamming the door. Harper then makes her way back to the common room and gets herself a coffee. Everyone heard the conversation between her and Kelly and they all look up at her.
"Hey u okay kid?" Herrmann asks
"I'm great why?" Harper answers
Before Herrmann can answer "Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Red Ex building fire, 57 south street" The intercom says
"Great just great" Harper whispers to herself Not really listening to the detailes of the fire
"Hey Bailey! Isn't that your apartment building?" Dawson asks
"Where was it again?" Harper asks
"57 South Street" Dawson replies
"Oh my god it is!" Harper said starting to panic

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