Chapter 11-Glad to be back!

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After 5 weeks of therapy to build up her strength Harper has finally gotten the all clear to go back to work. As she drives up to work she starts to get flashbacks of the stabbing but she pushes through it. She walks through the doors and no body is there.
"Hello?" Harper shouts
"Anyone there?" Harper says
Just as she can finish everyone jumps up and Gabby and Kelly are holding a sign that says Welcome Back Bailey! We missed you.
"The witch is back!" Dawson shouts
"Be nice, I can leave this place at any point" Harper says laughing
"You would never leave us" Dawson says as she pulls Bailey into a big hug
"Welcome back Kid" Herrmann says
"I hope you didn't miss me too much" Kelly says smiling
"Are you kidding, I couldn't get you to leave my apartment after I got home from the hospital" Harper says giving his arm a little nudge
"Well I'm sorry to cut this little reunion short but we need to go do inventory" Dawson says Walking towards Harper. Harper then follows Dawson and Kelly sits down next to Matt.
"When are you gonna stop drooling over her and ask her out" Casey asks not taking his eyes off the newspaper
"I'm sorry what?" Kelly replies snatching the newspaper away
"It's true Luitenent do you not think we have eyes" Capp says
"Yeah come on Kelly ask her out" Herrmann says
"Not you too Herrmann" Kelly says
"Kelly and Harper sitting in a tree" Cruz says Laughing
"K-i-s-s-i-n-g!!" Otis says laughing. Then everyone starts to laugh
"You know what I'm done with you lot and your crap" Kelly's says walking out whilst everyone is still laughing
"Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Single vehicle car accident, 778 street" The intercom says. Everyone runs out and suits up, Squad is first to leave the firehouse which is quickly followed by ambo. When they arrive on scene they see a car which had driven into a wall with 2 victims inside. From first look it looks like the girls leg is caught under the dashboard and she is bleeding heavily. The man on the other hand has been hit in the head and it's unconscious. Harper and Dawson get ready to treat the victims whilst Kelly maps out a plan on how to get them out. He crawls into the car to get a better look a the victims.
"I'm gonna need a medic in here" Kelly shouts
"Coming!" Harper shouts as Dawson grabs her arm
"You sure your ready!" Dawson says not letting go of her arm
"I'm positive Dawson" Harper says as Dawson let's go of her arm and she runs towards the car. Harper the climbs into the car and starts to treat the man. The rest of squad manage to get the victims out and you and Kelly are just about to get out until the car starts rolling backwards.
"Woah...Kelly we're about to go into the river" Harper shouts
"Do you trust me Bailey" Kelly asks
"Of course I do" Harper responds
"The when I say go I want you to jump out of the car" Kelly says
"Umm o-okay" Harper replies
"3, 2, 1...Go!" Kelly shouts as Harper jumps out of the car and lands on the ground. She is quickly followed by Kelly. As Harper landed she landed on her stomach and she scraped her scar of off the ground causing it to hurt. She then grabs her abdomen but doesn't want to make it noticeable.
"You good Bailey" Kelly asks
"Yep...Great" Harper responds hiding her pain
"You ready to go Bailey?" Dawson asks
"Yep on my way!"Harper says as she stands up and runs over to the ambo.
"Hey umm can I drive?" Harper asks
"Sure..." Dawson replies with a concerned look on her face. Minuets later they arrive at Chicago med and are greeted by Maggie.
"What have we got?" Maggie asks
"A male aged 30, has a laceration to his head and is slightly confused, he is breathing fine" Dawson replies.
"Okay treatment room 1, Dr.Manning you take this" Maggie says. After they hand off the patient to Med
"I'm just gonna run to the bathroom real quick" Harper says
"Okay I've got paperwork to do anyway" Dawson replies. Harper then walks to the bathroom and lifts up her shirt and notices that her scar is bleeding heavily.
"The stitches must not have dissolved properly" Harper says. As she walks out from the bathroom she notices Dr.Choi and gets his attention.
"Harper!" Dr.Choi says
"Hey umm look I'm really sorry about the phone call the other week, I was just really stressed" Harper says
"Hey it's all good" Dr.Choi says as he notices a bit of blood coming through your shirt
"Hey u okay?" Dr.Choi asks
"Oh yeah umm it must have been from the patient that we just had" Harper said
"Oh sorry I've got to go" Harper said. As they arrived back at the firehouse Harper goes to the bathroom and tries to stitch up her scar. But she doesn't notice Kelly and Dawson come in
"What are you doing Bailey?" Dawson asks
"You got hurt on that call didn't you? I TOLD YOU TO TELL ME BAILEY!" Kelly says angrily

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