Chapter 65 - The accident

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It's 4 months later and Harper has been at home with Devin. She has been spending time with aria and Devin, taking them to the beach, the park, the movies and just been enjoying her time with them. She goes back to work today and she has just dropped Devin off at Bennys and aria off at school. Kelly offered to drive this morning. There on their way to work when they come across a green light Kelly goes through and then Harper notices a car coming into the side of them
"Kelly watch out!" Harper shouts as the car hits them. Because of the way the car hit them it has caused the car to flip and they are sitting upside down. Harper and Kelly are both knocked unconscious. 5 mins later Harper wakes up
"Ahh.." Harper says as she looks around
"K-K-Kelly?" Harper adds putting her hand out but he doesn't wake up
*The firehouse POV*
"Hey Luitenent!" Capp says enthusiastically
"What is it Capp?" Casey replies  
"Have you seen Harper or Kelly this morning?" Capp asks
"No why?" Casey replies
"They haven't came into work? And what if we get a call!" Capp adds
"I'm sure they'll turn up" Casey answers a bit worried
"Truck 81, squad 3, Ambulance 61, Car accident, 63th street southbound" The intercom echoes
You just gonna need to go as 3 people and we will radio over to main when we see the accident" Casey shouted running out
*Harper and Kelly's pov*
"Come on Kelly! Wake up!" Harper shouts trying to wake him up
"Help!" Harper yells
A while passes and Harper has started to give up hope until she can hear a noise
"Help!" Harper screams
Truck, squad and ambo arrive on scene
"Hey chief! That's Harper's car!" Cruz adds
Casey runs over and appears at Harper's window
"Harper!" Casey shouts  
"I'm fine, get Kelly" Harper says weakly
They firehouse work as fast as they can and get Kelly out. Casey puts a neck brace on Harper
"I don't need it!" Harper shouts trying to pull it off but she is too weak
"Yes you do!" Casey says firmly.
They manage to get Harper out next and she looks over at Kelly. They try and put her on a stretcher
"I'm fine! It's only my arm!" Harper adds holding her arm in place
"I'm going with Kelly" Harper states walking over to ambo 61
"Okay fine! Hop in" Gabby says reluctant to let her in
They drive to med and Harper gets checked out. She has no broken bones just a really badly bruised arm. She has a few cuts that need stitches but other than that she's fine
"We want to keep you over night just to make sure your okay" Maggie explains
"I don't need to be!" Harper shouts
"Your staying and that's final!" Maggie adds before walking out.
It's an hour later and Harper is sitting in her hospital room. Gabby, Boden and Casey walk in
"Hey!" Casey says as he smiled
"How you feeling?" Boden asks
"Fine! But they won't let me see Kelly and they haven't told me anything!" Harper says as Casey's and Gabby's face drops
"What do you know! Tell me please!" Harper yells
"I'll get the doctor" Casey replies and then he walks back in with Dr. Marcel
"Kelly has suffered a head injury and its effected his memory. It's only short term but he Doesn't remember you Harper or anything about his life. It could take a month a week or a year for his memory to come back but you need to reintroduce yourself to him" Dr.Marcel explains
"What! My husband isn't going to remember me! He's not even going to remember Aria or Devin!" Harper says whilst sobbing

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