Chapter 14- Moving in with the Caseys and shots fired!

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It's that same day after shift and Harper has been given the all clear to go and see her apartment. Kelly offers to come with Harper and she says yes. As Harper makes her way up the stairs she starts to get a little bit nervous. She approaches her apartment and pushes the door open slightly with Kelly standing right behind her. As she glances in she can see her boot marks from where she was standing. Her carpet was completely black and so were her walls. The kitchen had the least amount of damage but it was still pretty bad. Her mattress was black and covered in tiny bits from the wall. As she walks to her closet she sees the box of things that she had from Ellis. She kneels down to pick them up and notices that they are all gone and his jacket is burnt too. Tears start to roll down Harper's face as she hugs the jacket. Kelly notices and sits down on the floor next to her looking her in the eyes.
"Hey it's gonna be okay" Kelly says
"He's gone Kelly...forever this time, I have no more pictures of him...I'll never see his face again. I mean what if I forget what he looks like" Harper said with her breathing getting faster
"Woah right deep breaths Harper in and it with me" Kelly's says as he starts to breath in and out slowly with Harper copping him
"I'm fine now, sorry for being so stupid" Harper says wiping the tears from her face
"Let's go get you settled in" Kelly says helping Harper up. They both make their way out of the burnt apartment and drive to Caseys apartment. On the way there Kelly asks Harper a question
"How would you feel going out with me to get dinner sometime?" kelly asks
"It's this a date your arranging here?" Harper asks
"Maybe" Kelly replies with a smile on his face
"Wow a date with the famous Kelly Severide... of course I'll go with you" Harper responds looking at him. They then arrive at Caseys apartment and Dawson greets them at the door
"Hey! Sorry Casey couldn't be here he had to work but you get me which is 10 times better!" Dawson says bringing you into a hug
"Come on I'll sow you to your room!" Dawson says grabbing Harper's arm and dragging her to her room. Harper walks in and there's a double bed in the centre of the room with 2 bedside cabinets at each side of it. One has a lamp on it the other has flowers. There is a grey rug on the floor and an en suit bathroom. Theres a giant closet and a little couch sitting in the corner of the room.
"It's perfect! Thank you so much Dawson" Harper says bringing Dawson into a hug
"Aww it's no problem" Dawson says
"Anyway I'll let you get settled" Dawson says walking away and Kelly following her. Harper turns around to take in her new room and then jumps onto her bed.
Harper spends the next day out shopping with Dawson until it's time to go on shift. Harper walking in with Dawson whilst Kelly and Matt walk in front.
"Have you asked her out yet?" Casey asks
"I have actually, we're going tomorrow night!" Kelly says
"It's good to see you getting back out there" Casey says putting his hand on Kelly shoulder before walking away. Everyone then walks into the common room.
"So how is it living with the 2 Luitenents?" Herrmann asks
"It's great as long as my Luitenent will stop getting up at like 6" Harper says looking at Kelly
"Hey that's a lie in for me" Kelly replies
"You honestly need to see a doctor about that" Harper says Laughing
"Squad 3, person stuck, 234 street" The intercom says. The whole of squad run out and get their stuff on and dirge to the scene. It's a man who is stuck at the top of a bridge.
"Woah how did he get up there?" Capp asks
"Could it have been a suicide or did someone put him up there" Harper replies
"Capp Tony you stay down here and me and Bailey will go up and do a rope rescue" Kelly says. Just as they approach the bridge they see a man standing looking over.
"Hey sir! You can't be here!" Harper shouts. Just as Harper turns around then man starts to fire bullets at them
"Shots fired I repeat shots fired" Harper says through the radio
"Copy that squad 3, any casualties?" Main asks
"I-I don't know" Harper said back as she had lost sight of Kelly

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