Chapter 45- Will Kelly stay in Miami?

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"Let me guess you have already taken it" Harper says angrily
"No I haven't, I wanted to talk about it with you first" Kelly says
"I can't have Aria growing up only seeing her dad through FaceTime, on birthdays and Christmases" Harper says
"Which is why I want you to move with me" Kelly says
"You can't be serious, I moved to Chicago to get away from this place Kelly! Eve time I set foot in that firehouse all the memories from Ellis come flooding back!" Harper says angrily
"There's a spot opening up on ambo here, with Natalie. I've offered for you to take it" Kelly says
"That's why they have all been so nice to me! They want me to come back! I'm a firefighter now Kelly! God I made Luitenent!" Harper shouts
"I know but it would only be for a year until Sam retires" Kelly says
"What about Dawson and Casey they adore Aria! I can't take that away from them. What about Cruz? He loves her to bits!" Harper says with tears welling up in her eyes
"Just take time to think about this!" Kelly shouts
"I fly back home tonight! I've got a job and a kid to go look after whilst your here having the time of your life! You weren't around to hear Aria say mum or start crawling!" Harper shouts walking out of the room
"Harper wait" Kelly shouts as Harper turns back round
"You can decide Kelly. If you want to stay here that's fine I'll sign the divorce papers. But if you don't you come home next month and me you and Aria can be a happy family again" Harper says with tears rolling down her face
"Don't be like that" Kelly says
"Just know that Aria is going to be heartbroken if you choose to stay here. What am I supposed to say when she asks for her dad? That he chose a career over his daughter and wife?" Harper says walking away
It's later that night and Harper asks one of the nurses to give Kelly a note before she fly's back home. The nurse delivers the note and Kelly reads it.
"I'm sorry for this morning. It's just that I will be the one heartbroken if you stay in Miami. I'm so used to people leaving me or dying on me. Remember our wedding vows, I meant every single word of them. You really are the best thing that's ever happened to me Kelly! But I can't move back to Miami I wish I could but I just can't lots of love Harper" the note says
Kelly let's out a big sigh and starts thinking about his decision. Harper arrives home and Dawson comes to pick her up from the airport.
"Well how is he?" Dawson asks as Harper gets in the car
"He's doing great, but umm he got the offer to stay in Miami permanently" Harper says
"Oh no! I can tell there was a big argument" Dawson says
"Yeah there was but I'm just ready to see my little firefighter" Harper says as they drive away
It's a month later and it's the day Harper has been waiting for. If Kelly walks through the front door it's means that he is coming back to Chicago but if he doesn't, he chose to stay in Miami. Harper gets on with her day like usual and hopes that he does walk through the door. It gets to 8pm and Harper has now realised that he isn't coming home. She lets a tear roll down her face. She is getting ready for bed when she hears something in the living room. She goes out to investigate and she sees Kelly standing at the door.
"Kelly?" Harper says confused
"I can't leave you! A job is worth nothing over you and Aria!" Kelly says
"Your staying?" Harper asks
"I'm staying" Kelly reassures her
Harper then runs up to Kelly and gives him a big hug.
"I love you Harper!" Kelly says wrapping his arms around her
"I love you too" Harper says
It's the next day on shift and no one knows that Kelly has decided to come back so Harper and Kelly have decided to play a little prank on the firehouse. Dawson and Casey are in on it and they walk in first.
"Guys!" Casey shouts
"Just be careful around Bailey today, Kelly chose to stay in Miami and the divorce papers arrived this morning" Dawson says
"Poor kid" Herrmann says
Harper the walks in and puts on a sad face.
"Guess who's a single parent now!" Harper says with a shaky voice
" I guess he never really loved me or Aria" Harper says
"Hey! Your stronger than this" Cruz says
"I know Kelly's a horrible person to pass up you and Aria for a job!" Capp says
"What was that Capp!" Kelly says appearing at the door
"You all really think he would leave us?" Harper says laughing
Dawson, Casey, Kelly and Harper burst out laughing whilst everyone looks at them with death looks.
"Harty Har Har" Herrmann says annoyed
"It's good to have you back Luitenent!" Cruz says
"Actually I'm not your Luitenent anymore" Kelly says with a smile
"Huh?" Harper says confused
"I'm giving the spot to Harper!" Kelly says smiling
"Your what now!" Harper says shocked

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