Chapter 62 - Aria's First day at school

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Harper is now 36 weeks which means the baby could come at anytime as last time aria came at 37 weeks. Harper now feels huge and she decides to go and visit Kelly at work. She waddles into the firehouse and spots Kelly sitting at the squad table.
"Get up!" Harper says
"What?" Kelly says confused
"Get up" Harper says as Kelly stands up. Harper then sits down in his chair
"How does she get to do that! I've been here 8 years and I've still not sat in that chair!" Capp says
"The pregnant lady needs it Capp" Harper says with her eyes closed
"There she is!" Matt says coming over to Harper and putting his hand on her belly
"Did you eat the food I left you?" Matt asks
"Yes I did" Harper says
"He leaves you breakfast?" Cruz asks
"Yep! Ever since my low iron he leaves me out breakfast every morning and calls me to make sure I've ate it" Harper says
"Remember guys! It's arias first day at school tomorrow and she wants you all to be there!" Kelly says
"Yeah she will go mad if you guys don't come!" Harper says
It's later that night and Kelly is still on shift. Harper is putting aria to bed
"Are you excited to go to school tomorrow?" Harper asks tucking her in
"Yeah! I'm gonna make so much friends! Can daddy read me a story?" Aria says
"Daddy's at work but should we FaceTime him?" Harper asks
"Yeah!" Aria shouts
Harper then lies down next to aria and face-times Kelly 
"Hey kiddo!" Kelly says smiling
"Daddy!!" Aria says
"Are you excited to start school tomorrow!" Kelly asks
"Yes iam! Is the firehouse coming?" Aria asks
"I'll make sure there all there!" Kelly says
"Yay! Can I see Auntie Gabby and Uncle Matt?" Aria asks
"Sure thing!" Kelly says passing the phone to gabby and Matt
"Hey princess!" Matt says
"Hey paramedic!" Gabby says
"Hello Auntie gabby and uncle Matt! Are you guys going to come see me at school tomorrow?" Aria asks
"Sure we are!" Matt says enthusiastically
"Your gonna be the best kid there!" Gabby says As aria laughs
"Where's uncle Boden?" Aria asks
"He's right here!" Gabby says passing the phone to Boden
"Hey there!" Boden says
"Hi!" Aria says before yawing
"You look tired so I'm gonna let you get some sleep for your big day tomorrow!" Boden says
"Okay goodnight!" Aria says rubbing her eyes
"Goodnight aria!" Boden says before ending the call
"You get some sleep now! I love you to the moon and back!" Harper says
"Wow! That's a long way!" Aria says before Harper shuts the door
It's the next morning and Aria is up and ready for school
"You ready kiddo" Harper says putting Aria in the car
"I was born ready!" Aria says laughing
They drive to school and the firehouse is no where to be seen
"Where's daddy?" Aria says
"Im sure he will be here soon!" Harper says getting  aria out of the car
Harper and Aria are waiting in line with all of the other children when they hear the trucks. Truck 81, squad 3 and ambulance 61 turn up.
"Daddy!" Aria says running up to Kelly
"Hey kiddo!" Kelly says picking her up
"Woah your dads a firefighter?" A little boy says
"That's so cool" a little girl says
"So is my mommy!" Aria says
"Lucky!" A boy shouts
Harper then sees the teacher
"It's time to go honey" Harper says
"But I don't want to" Aria says cuddling into Kelly
"Why not kiddo?" Kelly asks
"What if no one likes me?" Aria asks
"Who wouldn't like you?" Cruz says
"Yeah! Your Aria Leslie Severide!" Matt shouts
"Your the smartest kid we know!" Boden shouts
"Your gonna make loads of friends!" Herrmann shouts
"Really?" Aria says shyly
"Of course!" They all shout
"Now go in there and show them who's boss!" Otis shouts
Harper then takes aria in and they all wave goodbye.

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